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How to exchange numbers with the ex...

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Hi guys. Most of you have probably seen other posts from me, but if you don't know my story, just search my other posts.


I've recently come into LC with my ex, we have talked online about 5 or 6 times, not for very long each time, and as some of you know, he still hasn't given me his cell ph number (although I haven't talked to him for a couple of weeks now). I had an idea of how to give him mine, and see where that goes, but I just thought I'd ask first in case it seems like I'm coming on too stong, or anything, as I don't want to scare him away.


The last time we talked, I casually mentioned meeting up as we haven't seen each other for a good 6 months, (taking me for a drive in his new car, or just going out together one night) and he agreed, but I left the conversation not long after, not wanting to push it, and didn't make a date or any idea of when this meet up was going to happen.


I had the idea that next time we talk I could say something like "so when are you going to take me for this drive?" (i realise that sounds slightly pushy, but if you knew my ex, he wouldn't think anything of it. In saying that though, any ideas of how to re-phrase that just in case?) and whatever his answer was, I could say something along the lines of "how about you text me one afternoon when you're not busy" or something like that. Then he replies and I say "do you have my number?" yes or no, "do you want it?" and if yes, then give it to him, if no, then "that's cool" and either way, leave the conversation shortly after. If he asks me do I want his, I was thinking I would tell him to just text me with it later, as i have to go.


Does that sound ok? I don't know any other way, other than "hey whats your number" and I'm way too shy to do that. This is about as forward as I get lol. Any opinions/critiscisms would be much appreciated. Thankyou.

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I wouldn't mention the drive. Be cool and let that go. But next time you're talking, certainly suggest he sends you a text. If he agrees but doesn't ask for your number, just ask, "Do you have my new number?" and go from there.


Good luck, whatever you do!

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It's a good idea to have the idea in your head that all his responses will be exactly the ones you don't want. Accept that. Be prepared for that. If you don't get the response you want, let it go and have another topic all ready to talk about.


You'll do fine!

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how about next time you chat online, after a few mins say "Oh jeez somethings come up and i have to go now, text me later if you like - 01234567." Then log off. It will then be down to him to either text later or not. At least this way you wont have to have the do-you-want-my-number conversation.

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how about next time you chat online, after a few mins say "Oh jeez somethings come up and i have to go now, text me later if you like - 01234567." Then log off. It will then be down to him to either text later or not. At least this way you wont have to have the do-you-want-my-number conversation.


Good idea! That you immediately go offline will be a great move, as it shows you're not waiting on him.

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how about next time you chat online, after a few mins say "Oh jeez somethings come up and i have to go now, text me later if you like - 01234567." Then log off. It will then be down to him to either text later or not. At least this way you wont have to have the do-you-want-my-number conversation.




This guy is smoooooth ha ha

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how about next time you chat online, after a few mins say "Oh jeez somethings come up and i have to go now, text me later if you like - 01234567." Then log off. It will then be down to him to either text later or not. At least this way you wont have to have the do-you-want-my-number conversation.


GREAT Idea! And when you log off, don't look back and don't come back to msn to chat to him. With you off msn, he'll have no choice but to text you!

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how about next time you chat online, after a few mins say "Oh jeez somethings come up and i have to go now, text me later if you like - 01234567." Then log off. It will then be down to him to either text later or not. At least this way you wont have to have the do-you-want-my-number conversation.


That is a good idea!! Would save a lot of embarrassment if he said "no" when I said "do you want my number" lol. Thanks for that!!


P.S. You're my papillion lol


get it...papillion is butterfly in french...I think lol


I knew coming here before I did anything was the right thing to do!!!

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That is a good idea!! Would save a lot of embarrassment if he said "no" when I said "do you want my number" lol. Thanks for that!!


P.S. You're my papillion lol


get it...papillion is butterfly in french...I think lol


I knew coming here before I did anything was the right thing to do!!!


you're totally welcome sweetie


let us know how you get on.


from one butterfly to another x

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Aww go butterflies! lol.


I just had a thought...I'm going to do the "something's come up, text me later if you want", but what happens if he doesn't text me? Do I take that as a sign to forget about it and move on? And how do I talk to him again without feeling major embarrassment that I gave him my number and he did nothing?

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Aww go butterflies! lol.


I just had a thought...I'm going to do the "something's come up, text me later if you want", but what happens if he doesn't text me? Do I take that as a sign to forget about it and move on? And how do I talk to him again without feeling major embarrassment that I gave him my number and he did nothing?


Well if you go with the plan and he doesnt text then there's nothin you can do about that honey. But surely thats preferable to saying "do you want my number?" and him saying "no thanks"...


At least this way if he doesnt text then you have your answer - but you havent had to go through any embarrassing conversations.


If he doesnt text you then i would just carry on as before and completely ignore the fact that you gave him your number. There's no need to mention it, no need for you to say "why didnt you text me". Just make a mental note that he's probably not particularly into you, and take it from there.

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Well if you go with the plan and he doesnt text then there's nothin you can do about that honey. But surely thats preferable to saying "do you want my number?" and him saying "no thanks"...


At least this way if he doesnt text then you have your answer - but you havent had to go through any embarrassing conversations.


If he doesnt text you then i would just carry on as before and completely ignore the fact that you gave him your number. There's no need to mention it, no need for you to say "why didnt you text me". Just make a mental note that he's probably not particularly into you, and take it from there.


I did it!!!! lol wow i was so nervous too!!


We had a good conversation, he brought up the topic of seeing other people ("so, u got a new bf") and it went a bit serious from there, I told him I was glad we had broken up but not meaning it to be offensive and he said he is too but not to take it the wrong way either, I told him it was the best thing he ever did for me, and that it enabled me to change a lot. Long convo short, he said he wouldn't mind another relationship (didn't say with me) because he "wants a nice girl" and i said "I want a nice boy!" and then I felt like saying "lets get back together!!!!!!" lol but of course, I controlled myself


He then disappeared for a while saying he'd be back soon, and I got sick of waiting, so before he got back, I said exactly what you told me to say papillion, and then went off. So I guess now I just wait and see what happens! (Won't be waiting by the phone though lol). Hope I hear from him, but if I don't i won't be too sad...

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way to go hon!


be sure you come straight back here and tell us if you get a text from him


Thanks papillion


Well I gave him my number on wednesday night, its now saturday afternoon, and he hasn't texted me...He texted my sister on thursday night though and had a great chat to her - i only found out last night from my mum. (my sister is like a kid sister to him...well she was when we were together). In my opinion, if you give up the gf, you give up the family too, and I bet money that if I texted his sister, his parents would have something to say about it, but thats another story lol. So I guess this is it...This is me starting to try and completely surrender. Wish me luck

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how about next time you chat online, after a few mins say "Oh jeez somethings come up and i have to go now, text me later if you like - 01234567." Then log off. It will then be down to him to either text later or not. At least this way you wont have to have the do-you-want-my-number conversation.


HA HA. love it.


Great suggestion. It totally puts the ball in his court and gets your number to him.

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Thanks papillion


Well I gave him my number on wednesday night, its now saturday afternoon, and he hasn't texted me...He texted my sister on thursday night though and had a great chat to her - i only found out last night from my mum. (my sister is like a kid sister to him...well she was when we were together). In my opinion, if you give up the gf, you give up the family too, and I bet money that if I texted his sister, his parents would have something to say about it, but thats another story lol. So I guess this is it...This is me starting to try and completely surrender. Wish me luck


hey YMB, whats the latest?

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