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hey guys and gals just wanted your straight up personal opinion on euthanasia


1) do you believe its right or wrong/for or against


2) why do you feel like this


3) if you were asked to help 'euthanasia' even with someone who meant the world to you and it was there dream how would you deal with this situation?


4) is there anyone who has religious views on this?


thanks for the input or even reading it.


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1) do you believe its right or wrong/for or against

I'm not against euthenasia. If euthanasia were to be legalized, then there should be lots of regulations to it.


2) why do you feel like this

People should have the right to choose whether or not they'd like to live or die. Some people who know that they will die, like cancer patients, shouldn't be forced to live in pain, and spend big bucks on life support systems knowing that they will have an 'x' amount of time to live.


However, insurance companies will probably be completely against it and will hold campaigns to disapprove of the practice because they would lose out on a lot of money if legalization of euthanasia would pass.[/b]


3) if you were asked to help 'euthanasia' even with someone who meant the world to you and it was there dream how would you deal with this situation?

First of all, I would try to talk them out of it. However, if it's there choice to die, for a specfic reason, then I would not hold it against them even though that person meant the whole world to me.


4) is there anyone who has religious views on this

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  • 3 months later...

Personally I agree with it as why should one suffer so much pain when they know they will be in pain till the day they die..


I dont think it will ever be legalised becuase of the insurance companies afterall the government dont really care about our health and well being. This is a money orientated society we live in and unfortunately thats the way it will be.


I used to work in a hospital as an IT engineer and i was asked at the end of the year did i want a few computers and laptops for home. I asked "what do u mean?". I was told it was coming to the end of the financial year and they needed to spend all their budget so as to get the same money for the next year. I said can the surplus of the 32,000 not be put into patient care instead of lining our pockets. 32,000 was spent on IT personnel wining and dining, new computers for their homes. I was disgusted and left the job.


Money is the root of all evil.

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wow thanks for that, jesus they seem a little self centred, and im amzed that you left thats amazing. good for you and your beliefs. i think your right a person should not suffer pain if they believe that they shouldnt and is shown that they will be like this for the rest of their lifes.


does a religion come with a belief on what should be done, or their beliefs in this? i know that some believe you are the provider of god and he will take you like he made you (when he decides)


but thankyou, and yes i too believe the money can be the route of evil!



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  • 2 months later...

i can see your point in what you have to say, but i guess in some senses i see things differently being a little scared of death.

and the thing is, there may be possibilities and there may not, how do we know fully? i mean for now life is the longest thing you will experiance, time is not short, its the longest you will have and most of all its probably the only proven life form of time.


i mean we are in it, could you end life for a possible of having a next? i guess to me that has its very high rishs.

but all the same i respect your view.


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