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Well I met that girl almost a couple of weeks ago. We talked on the phone a few times, she proposed to go see a movie last Sunday. From the moment I met her she's told me she's always busy all the time.

Okay... I'm very busy too......

But last Sunday, I had the kind of plan you can't really cancel. So nothing happened. But before that I called her Friday and proposed to get together for lunch or dinner or sthg at sometime, someday of the week. She tells me, she's busy.

Now all that is starting to tick me, always busy except Sunday? Of course I could be patient and wait till Sunday and maybe see her, supposing I don't make plans by then.


My question in all this is : If you care enough and really want to get to know someone, don't you find ways to make time on your schedule for them? The only time I saw her, was when I met her. I don't really like phone conversations, I prefer seeing the person I'm talking to.


I feel like she's messing with me and wasting my time, that being something I really wouldn't like. I might just give her a call and give her my personal opinion...


All Advice appreciated.

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god ...that was the same situation i was in, the girl keep saying "I'm Busy" and it got really annoying, to the point of now, I don't call, i don't contact her, i Shut down everything,. communication wise. it went from bare minimum to Nothing, I'm totally oblivious to her constructive ways of leading me on...I'm not saying that is what she is doing, but be cautious..some girls are like that, and use guys as an ego-boost...i would suggest you wait a few days, if she calls you that is a good sign, if she doesn't don't wait around, find someone with a more desire to hangout with you.


occupy your time, don't sit and dwell on little things. if she wants you to be with her, she will come to her senses and call. until than just act as if you forgot about her, flip the script...make her contact you.

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It is really hard to date someone who is only open to dating on Sundays. I am not too sure about this one. I would say to give her the distance that she is asking for if you are really interested, but it really seems like a long shot. When people are that busy, they probably aren't that interested in a real relationship. Or they are playing hard to get, which is normally a sign that she is not really worth the time and effort.

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