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Going... going... go..(?!)


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I am strong enough in my convictions to say what I feel,

Not having to censor myself or turn on my heel.


I am strong enough in character to stick to my gun,

Because I know what to me is 'fun'.


I am strong enough in my soul to heal,

And contrary to thoughts I too bleed and feel.


I am strong enough in my thoughts that I'm never alone,

Even by myself in my empty home.


I am strong enough in my emotions to feel secure,

Because I know that I'm emotionally mature.


I am strong enough in my pride that I can take criticism,

And can raise my hand and admit my cynicism.


I am strong enough in my resolve that I am clear,

And it's my time to talk so sit down and hear.


I am strong enough in my heart to grieve,

Should she want to up and leave.


What's going is going until it's gone.

But I know that inside I am strong.




Wrote this poem after a major bust-up with my girlfriend about her trying to force her opinions on me. She saw it and thought I was saying "I am right and you are wrong" but what I meant was "i'm strong enough to know what i want to do/say/feel and that i'm willing to voice my opinion." I also made illusions to the fact that i believe i'm strong enough to deal with her leaving if she wants to - not to say that i want her to, or that i expect her to, but that it's come to a point where if she feels strongly enough in her convictions of me not wanting to see things her way - that i am willing to let her go.


i'm not sure if i said that (and its always hard to convey meaning when you're rhyming), just looking for an outsider's POV - perhaps i have hidden layers/depths/meanings here that i don't even realise. heh

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