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Is someone slipping rice cereal into my baby's milk?


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I take Chloe to daycare and I OFTEN wonder if the workers do not slip rice into her milk. I work really hard to pump and breastfeed and I don't want anyone just slipping her cereal b/c they are too busy/lazy to feed her.


Lots of the infants there get chided for wanting to eat. I hear this alot: you just ate... nope you don't get another bottle yet. I'm thinking, anyone hear of feeding on demand, people? I hate daycare!!!


Chloe eats a lot when she's with me on weekends, more than the 12 ounces they claim she wants during the day. I know when she wants to be fed she will scream her head off so the only way out of it with so few ounces would be supplementation with rice.


Her stool has gelatinous pieces in it that do NOT resemble the seedy look of the breastmilk.


Any thoughts on how I may make this determination? I have asked and they told me they do not, but I think they do.

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I would make a surprise visit during the time you have told them you want her to be eating. I worked in a daycare, and it's very possible they are doing this. But if you warn them that you're coming in, they'll just do what you tell them and not what they normally do. They should be telling you what time during the day they feed her, so make that your lunch time and stop on over. Then you can have a talk with the directors at the daycare and let them know that if this continues, you'll have to remove her.

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Hmmmmm, a surprise visit would be hard since you would have to be there at the exact time of feeding. If her stools are different then when she is with you that could be an indication. Although, some babies are picky eaters and especially so if they aren't in a comfortable environment. My friend breastfeeds and is trying to pump however, she says sometimes breastfeeding is the only way to get her to eat or calm her down. Maybe your little one is too stressed to eat at the daycare and that the rice (if they in fact are feeding it to her) is the only way to supplement her throughout the day?

I would make sure for certain with the daycare owner or director that it should be the breast milk and nothing else. You could say something about allergies that would stop it in a hurry.

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Maybe your little one is too stressed to eat at the daycare and that the rice (if they in fact are feeding it to her) is the only way to supplement her throughout the day?

I would make sure for certain with the daycare owner or director that it should be the breast milk and nothing else.


I've spoken to the workers and they know I'm suspicious. Then, last week, the culprit told me Chloe had a BAD day meaning because I insist on breastmilk (subjective message), that she's not getting what she needs.


Anyway, not enough time. I really would do best to switch. I don't trust them, one in particular.


As for Chloe not taking a bottle, no, that girl will eat. Robert feeds her 24 ounces sometimes during the day when he babysits. Same thing for his mother. Anywhere from 16-24 ounces over 9 hours. When she's at daycare, she eats maybe 12-14 ounces and usually the last meal is right before I show up.


THANKS for the suggestion. I think actions speak louder than words. Truth be told, the center isn't really working for me anymore.

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I would make a surprise visit during the time you have told them you want her to be eating. I worked in a daycare, and it's very possible they are doing this. But if you warn them that you're coming in, they'll just do what you tell them and not what they normally do. They should be telling you what time during the day they feed her, so make that your lunch time and stop on over. Then you can have a talk with the directors at the daycare and let them know that if this continues, you'll have to remove her.




Thanks for telling me this is a possibilty. did you ever see them do thisagainst a mom's wishes? typing w// 1 hand baby-tied

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I've spoken to the workers and they know I'm suspicious. Then, last week, the culprit told me Chloe had a BAD day meaning because I insist on breastmilk (subjective message), that she's not getting what she needs.


Anyway, not enough time. I really would do best to switch. I don't trust them, one in particular.


As for Chloe not taking a bottle, no, that girl will eat. Robert feeds her 24 ounces sometimes during the day when he babysits. Same thing for his mother. Anywhere from 16-24 ounces over 9 hours. When she's at daycare, she eats maybe 12-14 ounces and usually the last meal is right before I show up.


THANKS for the suggestion. I think actions speak louder than words. Truth be told, the center isn't really working for me anymore.



Yes if you suspect your child is not getting the care you want them to get.....remove her from the facility. Its hard to find really genuine, nurturing, and honest daycare these days.

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Yea I did. I'm embarrassed that I worked there really. I know one mother didn't want her son to eat meat and they'd feed him hot dogs anyway cause they said he liked it. He was a really picky eater, so whatever he'd eat they'd given him. Even if it was against the mom's wishes. Overall, the treatment of some of the kids in that daycare was horrible. I actually heard from someone that a worker tossed a 9 month old into a crib, got caught and instead of getting fired, she was switched to the kitchen.


Oh, and they wouldn't pay me more than minimum wage even though I had a higher education than everyone except for the actual directors. I worked when I came home, and when I first started I was being paid more than minimum wage while others were making min wage, but then the min wage was increased in my state. So everyone else got a raise, but I didn't. So I asked for one and they said BECAUSE I'm in school I can't get one. What? I already was being paid more than them, so that's not really making sense.


Sorry that was off topic...I just really didn't like it there. Loved the kids, didn't like the management.

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Oh my gosh, that is infuriating.


I did so much research on daycares and it is so hard to find a good one. And then to find one and them not listen to you? Geez...you pay them enough, you know?? Arg. That makes me so mad.


Rice cereal is known to cause constipation too. I would definently think that Chloe's b/m's being a different consistency is a SURE SIGN she's getting something else.

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honestly, what is wrong with the practice? I guess if it's done to put the baby in a sleep coma, that's just dumb. But is it merely food allergy that the AAP is trying to avoid with recommendations to avoid supplementation until 4 or 6 months in formula-fed vs. breast-fed babies???

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Thanks for bringing the recall up - I may bring this up. I really work so hard to feed my baby breastmilk exclusively and to be cut out of the decision to give the child rice cereal, is just... horrifying. Not that I think she has food allergies, poor tolerance of it, etc... but it's just frustrating.



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Her stool has gelatinous pieces in it that do NOT resemble the seedy look of the breastmilk.


is there any way you can get a doctors opinion?


that is sick... NO child should be fed anything that the parents dont agree with


-side rant- my vegan friend found out her daycare was giving her son cheese!!

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it is terrible but day care centers frequently do what is easiest for them when no parent is around, at least the less honest ones do. i had a friend who had a 3 year old who was always so cranked up when she picked her up, and she had told the daycare provider that she wanted her daughter to have NO sugar. turned out they were bribing the children with candy and videos (i.e., if you sit quietly and watch the video, you will get some candy)... so the child was really bouncing off the walls from eating sugar many times a day getting bribed by the daycare workers to behave using candy as rewards for the kids...


so yes, it is best to drop in unannounced sometime, or perhaps look for care recommended by parents who have had their children there a long time and really trust that they are following parent's wishes...

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