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Abortion at 18 weeks due to Oligohydramnios


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A friend of mine had bleeding at like 10 weeks pregnancy through 12 weeks and then found she had cervical polyps which were removed. A few weeks later, she lost some amniotic fluid and at like 16.5 weeks, was told she might need to have the baby aborted. I'm so depressed for her... My question is ... could it have been due to the polyp removal. She just kept losing amniotic fluid over the course of a day and thought she was incontinent. SAD.


Anyway, she was told to go on bedrest for a week and then, on day 6 of bedrest, lost more fluid... uggh. So yesterday, she scheduled the end of her pregnancy for Monday. UGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGH

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I am so sorry to hear that. With me being in the medical field and a background in ER medicine I have seen tons of problems with pregnancies. It is usually the ones that really want the baby that have problems. All I can say is (MYBELIEF) God has a reasoning for everything and all we can do is pray. I will say though, that as long as their is not rick to the baby or the mother, which the DR should have stated then why terminate. It may be a tough pregnancy but as long as both are still healthy then she should continue on.

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Wow Dilly, I'm sorry to hear that. First your SIL, now this. I'm sure your friend must be devastated.


I'm no expert on this topic- but I don't think having polyps removed would be enough to disrupt the mucous plug and cause amniotic fluid to leak out(unless the polyps were located in the opening of her cervix) The doctors probably would not have removed the polyps if it would pose a risk to her pregnancy. link removed


With the fluid leaking out like that- both her and the baby risk infection and sadly, without enough fluid, her pregnancy probably would not continue normally and would probably result in the death of the fetus. It's never easy- but it might be psychologically "better" for her to experience the loss now, rather than further along in the pregnancy. I would think the further along she was- the the more physcially and emotionally difficult it would be to cope with the loss.


Of course if she has any doubts- she should get a 2nd opinion.



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I'm so sorry to hear about her situation. How sad.


I work in abortion care, specifically with medically indicated terminations, and I've seen same for oligohydramnios before. I would not think this had anything to do with her polyp removal unless the polyps were located in the endocervix (the opening or the neck of the cervix). If they were external, I don't think it would be consequential. Sometimes, oligohydramnios just happens.


My heart goes out to her. Please give her my condolences.

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You guys are so wonderful! Yeah, like Bonzo said, it's like she does everything right (eating, diet, exercise). She's married, bought a house recently, planned everything, and on the first try, TADA - was pregnant. Then, this happened.


She even crocheted Chloë this amazing blanket sweater, hat, and sock pair that are just precious and while working on that project, she got pregnant. I feel like ... just really heartbroken for her and ... frankly, for her baby. I just wonder if that baby is able to contemplate anything and how sad it must be to lose life just when things started getting interesting.


Thanks Metro and HealingHands for the condolences! I wish I could use them to do something for her.


And Bella, TELL ME ABOUT IT! I am getting slightly depressed. I really was grooving on the idea that everyone around me is getting pregnant and well, some are not going well. Two out of three will end in termination, one of which is in the second trimester. TRAUMATIC!


Shyshytterbug and Bella, thanks for the medical background. Was kinda hoping you guys would respond. One question that comes to mind, is there no way to repair a placental sack that is leaking? It just seems like there would have to be a way.


Scout, you're awesome! I hope your pregnancy is progressing nicely. I haven't checkin in on you lately. THANKS for your support. I honestly feel odd around her. I brought my baby to visit with her Monday and well, it just felt so strange ... like the inevitable reminder of what she will soon lose.


I even had a dream Wednesday night that she was going to have a girl.

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Unfortunately, no, there's no way to repair the gestational sac that I'm aware of. If the pregnancy were viable right now, meaning it could survive outside the uterus, they might have just induced labor; but at 18 weeks, the odds of a fetus surviving outside the uterus are zero. (Usually around 24-26 weeks it's considered viable.)


The problem is not necessarily the leak in the sac, it's the fluid that's already been lost.

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I am very sorry for your firends loss, I just went through my 3rd ann. for the loss of my angle baby (had a miscarriage at 3 months) so I know she is going through a rough time. Send my condolences as well.


Wether now to greive or later she is probably hating life, tell her to allow herself to be sad and greive, some people have a hard time with that. I did, and found my outlet, I wrote. To this day I still have what I wrote during my expereince. I wish for her tears to be shed and her heart to mend as well as her body. The pain from this loss will always be there but it will change and transform, she will never forget but she will move on. My thoughts and prayers go out to her, I am even beginning to tear up a little typing this. Excuse my rambling I just....I just feel this more then some.

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Scout, you're awesome! I hope your pregnancy is progressing nicely. I haven't checkin in on you lately. THANKS for your support. I honestly feel odd around her. I brought my baby to visit with her Monday and well, it just felt so strange ... like the inevitable reminder of what she will soon lose.


I even had a dream Wednesday night that she was going to have a girl.


What a sad, sad situation. But I honestly think if you just hug her, cry with her, and let her vent how she really feels will be the best thing you can do. From what I understand about this kind of grief, it's best to not say things like "You can have another one," or "It was for the best, nature knows what it's doing," etc. I have actually been guilty of saying the former to someone I care about very much who had a miscarriage, and now know that was not the right thing to say. Nothing can make them feel better, you just have to let them grieve. As long as they need to, in fact.

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