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so how do u juggle all this??


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SO. I've been reading quite a bit over the last 2 months or so since my break up after a year long relationship. at this point, i can say that i'm over the hurt and self-loathing stage and am well on my way to healing. After looking at things objectively, I still desire to give things another shot, if that chance ever comes around that is...


Right now, there really isn't much I can do but to get on with my life, coz its summer, im doing summer school, he's at home enjoying life and what not. I'll see him soon enough at the end of august and I'll just have to see what things are like then...


So here's what i've been wondering:


Ideally, if you still desire for reconciliation, the best thing to do when u 2 first meet up again is to appear cheerful and make the whole 'date' casual and light hearted right? but then, to have a proper reconciliation, the 2 people are supposed to have a real open conversation, sharing both views of what happened and their observations and whatsoever.


Heres the thing, how do you know whether to just pop the question on a good note after asking "we were real good together weren't we?" and getting a positive feedback. Or to really have a good 'talk' before that should happen??


I'm just getting a bit confused about how it should go as far as asking for/discussing about a reconciliation......



Advice will be good!




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well definitely at first your going to have to play it cool...very cool..I knew after about two times out that there was still a connection..and played on it, she always said I didnt initiate things at first...so i went in for the kiss after 2 "re-dates" and proceeded to get back together..but oh ya at first I was dancing with other girls and living life as if my intentions were the opposite.

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Definitely, definitely keep it light. Don't you bring up the "relationship" topic. Let her do it. Also if it does come up really listen to what she says and hear her perspective, it will help you if you do reconcile - you learn from the mistakes you made. Also it opens doors for her to communicate more openly.


Try not to talk about the "past" relationship and focus more on the future!!

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