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Here's to a new day.


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Ok so I am going to try out this journal thing. I have never been an awesome journal keeper, so we'll see how this goes. I barely keep my blog updated.


Today is an anxious day and I am looking forward to it being over. I have a test. A test I dont want to talk about. It has already consumed enough of me, and I can feel the whole big stress knot sitting in my gut.


People keep telling me I will be fine. Yeah right. I dont get the material and at this point I am not even sure of the questions to ask to try and get it. If I hear one more person say "Oh you'll be fine" I will scream. Just because I do well in most of my classes, why when I say one is kicking my butt are people brushing it off? I loathe that. I feel like I am not being taken seriously. Like this stress knot is non-existent and like I am making a mountain out of a mole hill.


Oh well. By tonight it will be over and pass or fail tomorrow the sun will rise and set. It will rise and set long after this class is over. The worst that can happen is I get a C. If I do, I will retake the course. So why cant I stop stressing?

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