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Does she loves me???


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I am 16 and m currently studying in class 10.

I have a girl in my class whom I really love... we talk to each other on phone and hang out with each other. She tells me that I am her best friend. Whenever I look at her I find her looking at me.. I really love her... i even was about to say those three words but couldnt as I wanted to make sure that she does too. I dont want to take the risk of loosing her as a friend and also leaving her disappointed.

What should I do to find out... plz tell me anything else but asking her.

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I would'nt ask her directly, but you should take it one step at a time, your only friends, your not even dating her yet, if you love her, then show her, try makin a move on her, take her somewhere nice, ask her out casually, ask her if she wants to chill, take her somewhere quiet, bring the idea of relationships, not between you two, just generally speaking, then take from there, see how she reacts towards you when your alone, or see what happens when you pull a move on her, you don't hae to tell her you love her, you can show her you care, she's not gonna hold it against you for caring about her, just take it step by step, try something new each time you see her, step it up a noch, see how she reacts then you'll be able to figure out wheather or not she loves you back.

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I AM the same situation as U but i've told her that i like her. just 4 days ago. She was so shock and say decide anything. she said she never thinks abt having BGR for so long. and her dad just died 3 weeks ago. I think just say that i care for her and will wait and stuffs as she the onli who can take da vacancy in ur heart and stuffs. she say that it will be so selfish of her to make me do that but she donno what da future may brings. Just show her that u care for her and not lust that u have for her. I used same tactics to be with my EX. This should not be so much differet i guess. girls usually gets all soft-hearted by kindness and secureness to noe that some1 to be by her side when she is in need. So now just tell her and ask her out. if after telling her, she don wants to go out with u just forget abt it and move on there's is a lot of girls out there dude. and there many girls like her also. it just the matter how u strong u are? girls will look at u in a new view after u told her that u like her. maybe at first she don have feelings for u but may do later? but as frens she sld noe u well enough, sld not took too long... don worry, if she the type that treasure frenship she won forsake this frenship just becos u like her.... if she do, she's not even a good fren so time to get urself a new worthy fren. Look on the bright side of life.... GUTS is all u need to woo a girl, other qualities is just bouses but don show her that u are desperate for her... girls don like that... girls like independent guys and can think instead that stupid guys who can't control their emotions..... GD LUCK!!!

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