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Rise & shine, a clear mind to begin the day


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It is 7:00am at this very moment, a time which usually passes in my sleep. But for this one morning in particular, I chose to be different.


I awakened at 6:00am, walked downstairs, and brewed a pot of coffee while the others in the house were asleep. I moved softly to not disturb, and made my way to the door to the back deck of the house, again quietly sliding the door apart and back in as I stepped out.


I sat in one of the empty chairs at the table on the deck and simply listened, simply observed, and simply heightened my awareness of the environment. Sounds of a few cars here and there in the distance are faint. Birds continuously relay information back and forth in a language of their own, and the few small clouds above begin to part, revealing a simple blue sky. There is this strong sense of clarity and sharpness to my surroudings. Small sounds which are usually blanketed by larger ones suddenly have volume, and the natural sunlight which usually goes unnoticed is now something worth watching. This is urban America.


And as the minutes go by, more sounds of urbanization clutter the air. Loosing that clarity and sharpness, I stand up and walk back inside. But I do not mind.

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