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Hulk Smash!


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GRAH! I am thoroughly pissed off! I just don't understand people! I go off and apologize for pissing them off and they tell me I didn't do so. What get's me is that after apologizing we haven't talked yet. We usually talk everyday, but I haven't spoken in a week and half to them.


Gah people piss me off!


I must say though on a lighter note that everytime I think of the word pissed off I think of Jeff Dunham's move when Peanut goes on and on about messing with people that are deaf and have a lisp. He says: "They're really gonna be pist off!"

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Well its rearely been hear of, but I have been apart of one. A 24 hour turnaround. In 24 hours I went from being pissed off to probably one of the happest people on earth. This is how it happened.


Well I went to class today and a couple people were joking about how the person who made the 99 screwed it up for the rest of em. They scanned the room and ended up asking me if I was the one who made the 99. Now this may be something small, but I really love it when people think I "look" smart. or atleast that is what I thought they think.


Next, I was leaving class and this guy came running up behind me and asked me if I could tutor him because of that lil thing up above I disclosed my grade to everyone there and he heard it. The reason this made my day better was because I really enjoy when people acknowledge my smarts. I dunno I just take pride in people asking me for help in academic areas.


After that I was in the computer lab studying for my class when a friend of mine (yes the one up above) came on the IM and said she missed me and we chatted it up. Now she is the coolest person in the world and I really hated it when I thought she was ignoring me, when infact I was wrong. Anywho I was glad to talk to her and anytime I talk to her my day gets better.


As if that wasn't enough, I do have feelings for her and only 3 people know and will guard it with their life. Now she told me today in the same IM that she was thinking about breaking up with her bf and asked me what I thought. Now the fact that she is breaking up with him presents opprotunities for me. That topped the day off.


So yea, today has been kick ass!

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Welp, today I turned the big 19. I woke up to my mom singing me happy birthday on the phone. Shes cool like that lol.


"She" called after my mom and I was glad because I figured this was the first of many steps toward us getting together. We talked for ~20 minutes cause she had to go to class. Random stuff was the topic and we got to an interesting part. Her bf is getting an apartment in my same complex and I knew this and Im cool with it cause Im friends with him too. She said she was excited cause she would be able to see us both. This is the bf she is supposed to be breaking up with......meh seems like what she told me was a false front as is alot of stuff she tells me.


I will be visiting "her" again, we both agreed that I needed to come down and visit again. This time, though, it wont be just the two of us, her family will be there. This is a lil weird, I dunno if its a "meet the parents" thing or if its just friends getting together. Of course since we are just friends I would assume the latter. Oh Ill be myself and woo the crowd like normal


Nothing is different turning 19, of course I didn't expect anything to be different. To celebrate Imma go out with a few friends and get drunk. I have to be able to do this and still be able to wake up for class tomorrow. Of course since I am a man of great mass I don't think I will actually get drunk tonight, if I get a buzz I will be surprised.


It may seem that I think about "her" alot as this was brought to my attention of a friend of mine. In reality, I only think about her when I post here because this is one of the few places I can say anything about it. In reality I don't think about "her" that much at all. Thats a good hting I guess.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I havent written in this thing for awhile now. Ill add something now, since there is something to add.


I have recently went hardcore into a couple of hobbies I've been wanting to do for awhile: woodwork and blacksmithing. Ive always wanted to make swords, and am currently working on a wooden sword called a bokken, but along with that I also want to make other things like decorations and whatnot, as well as my own tools.


So before long Ill have alot of swords (both wooden and metal) and knives! Oh I cant wait! Of course, we cant forget about the decorations, Ill figure out what imma get out of that later.


As some of you may know, there has been a girl flirting with me for some times now. I used to like her, but now I am tired of the bs and I think I am over her now. The test was when she sent me a text saying that she was gonna spend the week in my town. Didn't think twice about it. So im proud about that.


Oh and if any of you want to know anything else about woodworking or blacksmithing Id be glad to talk about it.

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Well here is something else to add. Its my fault too!


Well yesterday as I was posting the above post. I left the computer and didn't close IE. Now the problem with that in this house is that this is considered a "community computer." It's dubbed so mainly because I use it when Im here (home from college) and my uncle uses it.


Well anywho, when I left it up I guess my uncle came in behind me and found this open and read all my journal entries because that was what was on the screen. Then he came in and told me he read them.


Now I guess most people would be pissed off about this, Im indifferent. I dont really care. Ive gone my whole life with the philosophy that I have nothing to hide, so why change now? But yea, that was what I wanted to post

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