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It was like reopening a wound,

as I sat there waiting..

knowing any minute l would see her again

her l hadn't seen for so many years

her who meant the world to me

l should've been happy but l could feel the tears brimming

lt had been so long

l was beginning to feel the pains again

no one could understand why l was crying

l was about to see her

l should've been smiling

the sorrow felt by her absense was creeping out from deep inside

in long kept tears

..and then she came like l'd seen her only yesterday

that hug said nothing

of the years l've longed to hold her

we sat down she chatted and laughed

l was oblivious to the conversation

l kept looking at that hand that l hadn't felt for so long

and marvelling at the fact it was in mine agian

l remember leaving her having to go and say goodbye

it was to much

l'd turn my back ashamed of the tears

trying,trying to control my pain like i'd managed to all those years

but l couldn't so l walked away

just one last glance back at the woman l loved most in the world

l quickly ran out

l wanted to go back hug one last time

but the pain was to much

l had to get out

control myself

re-bury those tears,hide the pain,forget the sorrow

..and later when l peered out of the aeroplain window

and watched her world slip further away

l looked at down at my hand

where hers had once been

but now was gone

and l wondered if l'd ever have it there again

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wow i really liked the emotion within it, filled completely with the thoughts and fears we have of meeting and longing for one person again.

youve given inspiration to me though, you went back to see someone you loved (if even in the poem not real life).

dont loose her, go get her, go and meat her again if taking reality.

if not it was a great poem and thanks for sharing it


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