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Baby Milk - to use or not


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OK, so my breast milk supply is barely keeping up with my baby's demands. On Friday, two bottles had 2 ounces each left. Would you recommend against using this tomorrow if the baby nursed from each on Friday and the bottled milk has been refrigerated since or is it OK to use? I'll check back tomorrow morning. THANKS IN ADVANCE

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I'm curious to see what answers you'll get. Sometimes when I go to the gym, I'll walk in the door just as M. has finished heating up her bottle. I'll nurse her instead so I don't get engorged, but then I don't know if I should throw that milk out or reuse it. What I've been doing is re-refridgerating it and using it the next day. If I don't end up using it the next day, I'll chuck it. But I have no idea if I'm doing the right thing!

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You should probably ask the pediatrician to be sure. YOu can probably even call them to find out and often times the nurse can find out for you.


I would say not to use it because its already been reheated once. Any unused portion should then be discarded.


If it comes to you not having enough milk to keep the baby fed there is nothing wrong with supplementing with formula. Youw ould still be nursing and the baby would still be getting all the benefits. Your doctor can probably give you better advice than we can.

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I've actually read a lot about this kind of thing, and it's not "dangerous" to feed it to your baby, but it's not recommended. Your baby's saliva enters into the bottle, which ultimately serves it's purpose (to break down food for digestion) which in turn can give your child an upset stomache and can disturb the digestive process like causing diareah (sp?) and unpleasant stuff like that. The same goes for re-using an opened jar of baby food after the spoon has been put in the jar---they say to put the food into a bowl, or use the whole jar. So it's not "dangerous" but I would say not to do that. Perhaps put less in the bottle and save the rest for another bottle...And good luck with the breastfeeding!

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