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is it too much - ladies, your help please!


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Here's the cliff notes of my situation. My girlfriend was about to leave for med school, I hit the panic button and broke up with her and now she's been gone for eight weeks! I wrote and sent a long letter telling her that I love her and distance (2,000 miles away) was not going to last forever - if this is what we both wanted. I told her I made a mistake and I loved her. I told her that I have realized a lot about my feelings and how much she means to me now that she isn't here and I have can put things in perspective (graduating in december from college also puts things in perspective)....so, we talked about that letter recently and she seemed cautious that this was something I really wanted or if it was a matter of just being lonely. I explained to her it wasn't - i didn't need anyone in my life to make me happy, but I wanted her.


Anyway, the question:


I sent her flowers once in a while and also send her a package of home made cookies or candy and other stuff she likes. I just recently sent her a package of cookies that I made all by myself! I usually like to mix it up between flowers and packages...a long with notes telling her that I miss her and think about her all the time.


I just recently sent her cookies...she has a tough week with tests this weekend and I usually like to send her flowers on tough weeks...but would that be too much? I just sent the package that she got this week...would it be too early to send her flowers on friday? I don't want to ruin the element of surprise, but at the same time I want her to know that I am thinking about her and miss her like crazy.

Do I send the flowers?

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There is never too much sending of flowers, unless you are a stalker, which you are not. If a boyfriend sends me flowers every day, which he never does, I would glady take them and be very happy. You can never do too much of the good stuff if you guys are a couple. Good luck!

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