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Nipple and Breast imperfections


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I'm a licensed waxing specialist in NY state, and I can tell you, your hair WILL NOT get thicker if you tweeze it. It, over time will become thinner, possible lighter in color, and less painful to tweeze. Also, surprisingly enough, hair around the nipple, is extremly common. Everyone has hair all over thier skin. I highly doubt that your boy will care. If he cares, bring up his nipple hair! I know he's got it!

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haha! aww thanks guys...uve all made me feel so much better ^_^ Kamue u have such a good point about the male nipple! that got a good laugh outta me! hahaha and im glad to hear that tweezing won't make it thicker! ^_^ i'll just do that i think ^_^


grapefruit - your not stealin the thread....its about imperfections in general! plus im done here hahah feel free to discuss is on here...im sure theres HEAPS of people who wanna know about it! Your story kinda reminded me of my dad's partner's sister. She got her boobs reduced too using that method of takin the nipple off but the person who did it was an idiot and took too long so one of her nipples kinda died >_

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grapefruit - your not stealin the thread....its about imperfections in general! plus im done here hahah feel free to discuss is on here...im sure theres HEAPS of people who wanna know about it! Your story kinda reminded me of my dad's partner's sister. She got her boobs reduced too using that method of takin the nipple off but the person who did it was an idiot and took too long so one of her nipples kinda died >_


^^ My doctor said that the reason a nipple will fall off is because of the lack of blood flow. Meaning if he would have taken me down to a smaller size I would prolly have lost a nipple, but both of mine are fine and have perfect sensation


My surgery was 3 hours long, you should find out how long hers was. O_O It would be SO messed up if it was like 6 hours. I watched on TV (before I had the surgery) and this lady was getting one done and the doctor LOST her nipple! LA GASP! I was SO afriad that was going to happen to me.


They also check me for breast cancer with what they took out ^^ which made me happy.




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^^ My doctor said that the reason a nipple will fall off is because of the lack of blood flow. Meaning if he would have taken me down to a smaller size I would prolly have lost a nipple, but both of mine are fine and have perfect sensation


My surgery was 3 hours long, you should find out how long hers was. O_O It would be SO messed up if it was like 6 hours. I watched on TV (before I had the surgery) and this lady was getting one done and the doctor LOST her nipple! LA GASP! I was SO afriad that was going to happen to me.


They also check me for breast cancer with what they took out ^^ which made me happy.





i never really got on with her haha sorry so i dunno, but if u really wanna know i could find out for u by askin my dads partner instead, shes seen some weird * * * * cos she used to be a nurse. apparently they take off the nipple and attatch it to ur belly button or somethin so that it stays "alive"...kinda got grossed out so i didnt ask for more details HAHAHA

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I never knew there was an idea of perfection in female breasts or nipples. I never knew one man who could articulate it, and i think I could more than most I know. There simply is not a perfect.


I don't know, my boobs are pretty perfect.

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I don't know, my boobs are pretty perfect.


hahah thank you miss perfect! i think the topic ur lookin for is under "i have perfect boobs and u dont!" LOL kidding hahah nah i dun think thhat there really are "perfect boobs", to one man a chick could have them, but to his best mate the other girl does....i think they are only perfect if you like them and know thats what matters! that your happy with how you look ^_^ like starlily ^_^

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i never really got on with her haha sorry so i dunno, but if u really wanna know i could find out for u by askin my dads partner instead, shes seen some weird * * * * cos she used to be a nurse. apparently they take off the nipple and attatch it to ur belly button or somethin so that it stays "alive"...kinda got grossed out so i didnt ask for more details HAHAHA



On no, dont go out of your way ^^


O_O they attach the nipple to yout belly button to stay alive?! Now thats just creepy. Ill have to call my mom up and tell her that! *shudders*




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On no, dont go out of your way ^^


O_O they attach the nipple to yout belly button to stay alive?! Now thats just creepy. Ill have to call my mom up and tell her that! *shudders*





HAHAHA! you'll never look at ur belly button the same! >__

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HAHAHA! you'll never look at ur belly button the same! >__


I googled it ^^ (I loveses google) and a site said this...


r very large breasts, however, the nipples may need to be moved and grafted to a completely new location. In these cases, the nipples are removed from the underlying connecting tissues and you will lose sensation in the nipple and areola.


So Im guessing that mine were left on since I have feeling! YAY!


*huggles and snuggles*


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^ yea im guessin thats probably it! cos if u ask me her boobs still looked like a DD! although what doesnt make sense is the fact that only one nipple lost feeling...maybe both of her nipples have no feelin...man i HATE when my foot goes numb and u try to wake it up...worst feelin...imagine her nipples! spose it means no pain if a baby decides to bite u! oops we r a lil off topic now arnt we! lol

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I love this thread LOL.

Actually I don't feel anything when my bf plays with my nipples. I mean I love it mentally but really I can't feel much. I guess it's some sort of natural thing in case a baby bites... Eh I don't know I hope I'm not weird...

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I love this thread LOL.

Actually I don't feel anything when my bf plays with my nipples. I mean I love it mentally but really I can't feel much. I guess it's some sort of natural thing in case a baby bites... Eh I don't know I hope I'm not weird...


nah i totally agree i spose...i dun get much outta the whole nipple thing...as for the neck kissing thing..woah!


[edit] yea i agree....its mentally, and the emotions that come from it ^_^

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Oh my gosh the neck... I melt from the neck.


i know! ok i KNOW im REALLY off topic now....i had to recently stop my bf from biting actually...like he doesnt realise how strong he is and i came home with like 8 bruises on my arm (only cos i wouldnt let him gimme a hickey on my neck, cos i think they r kinda gross neway imo, so he got to my arm) and it looked like i was gettin abused lol when he was just tryin to be playful! oops my point neway...i get the nibbling and kissing and omg...if only that could last forever! im now goin away overseas for 3 weeks....i think im really gonna miss it hahaha

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I get alot from the nipples *metls into a puddle* Maybe its because of my surgery O.o


Anywho, most people who have a reduction have a slight chane in not being able to breast feed. So if I get pregnant Id have to talk to someone about breast feeding.




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Seriously don't worry about the bumps at all. Is there really any woman in the world that doesn't have at least one? Don't the bumps have something to do with breastfeeding? That is what breasts were made for...although they of course serve other purposes. I agree with others, if you're concerned about the hair then just tweeze it.

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I bruise easy, so every time Matthew kisses me on my neck, or even slightly sucks, I get a hickey! It so embarrassing because my future father in law will see me and say "been working on those cars again?" or something to those lines >.


Matthew thinks its funny >.




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I bruise easy, so every time Matthew kisses me on my neck, or even slightly sucks, I get a hickey! It so embarrassing because my future father in law will see me and say "been working on those cars again?" or something to those lines >.


Matthew thinks its funny >.





hahaha i bruise SOOO easily too, but i just find it so embarasing! plus isnt it meant to hurt alot neway?! i mean its a bruise thats labelled a "love bite/hickey" only cos its done outta affection...not negativity. maybe one on the boob is ok cos no1 can see it...but the pain factor still scares me

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I bruise easy, so every time Matthew kisses me on my neck, or even slightly sucks, I get a hickey! It so embarrassing because my future father in law will see me and say "been working on those cars again?" or something to those lines >.


Matthew thinks its funny >.





Maybe he should lick you instead with slight kisses.



Then give you hickeys in places only he is allowed to see! haha


Hickeys don't hurt .. oO But they can feel a little weird sometimes.

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Maybe he should lick you instead with slight kisses.



Then give you hickeys in places only he is allowed to see! haha


Hickeys don't hurt .. oO But they can feel a little weird sometimes.



Oh he gives me hickeys in other places too ~_^ But I like the idea of licking with slight kisses on the neck. For some reason the neck is my big turn on area ^^ well at least one of them.




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