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Book Talk

An Intelligent Life


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Hey guys, I have to share this book - An Intelligent Life; A practical guide to relationships, intimacy & self-esteem by Julian Short (random house Australia). I found it by chance while in transit at the Brisbane airport and it has changed my life, relationship and my perspective since. I've gone off my anti-depressant! So much for $24.95!


I am now erring on the side of generousity in my relationship, learnt to put myself on higher moral ground during conflict and when in doubt, administer love. It also teaches how you can lose and still like yourself, and other very practical advices even on other types of relationship other than man-woman.


Now that could be why I dont feel like I have any problems so far and basically not wanting to think about "possibilites" and "what if" though there are still a couple behind my head.

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