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After reading this thread, I am seriously worried about the OP. Abusive relationships are very dangerous. I think you need counseling at this point. If you choose to stay in an abusive relationship, then something, somewhere is wrong.


The kiss is just a symptom. Telling your boyfriend about it would be ok if you were in a healthy relationship, but not in this case.


Please try to get help.

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Your bf sounds a lot like mine! One time a guy kissed me when I was drunk... I felt guilty about it for about a year. Until I realized.... I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING WRONG!!! Your bf definitely doesn't need to know... it would just make things completely worse. Especially if he doesn't trust you already.


Think about it... he probably didn't trust you before the incident happened anyway. He had no right to not trust you then (or still). He probably made it seem like talking to another guy was cheating on him!! He is so controlling and possessive that this happening seems like the end... but really if your bf was not so "abusive" then you probably wouldn't think twice about it.


This is just a guess from my point of view in my relationship.




I told my boyfriend that his friend showed up at my house in the middle of the night one time. I didn't answer the door. But after that point I "wasn't allowed" to hang out with him... even though he was friends with all of my friends. So when I hang out with my girl friends and that dude happens to be there, all hell breaks loose. This is my guy's way of getting me to himself and away from all my friends. It made me scared to hang out with my friends because that dude just might show up. He made me feel guilty... for nothing. IT SUCKS! Don't let that happen to you!


Because it was so convincing when he gave me a speech and said "well why would you want to put yourself in that situation? It makes me think you don't care about our relationship when you choose to be around someone like that. I don't trust him neither should you."

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