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Frustrating/Disappointing job search has me depressed..

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The last two weeks haven't been good for me...


I've been searching for a good part-time internship/part-time job to complement my major for weeks now after finishing a 14-month internship at a big ad agency in March.


I had an interview Monday of last week for a bank internship. The experience seemed great and it was very flexible (which is what I'm looking for). It was going to last 2 months or slightly more. Unfortunately, I felt the pay was extremely low after making 47% more in my last internship. They offered me the job on Wednesday but I asked for more time because I had an interview for a big company on Friday.


The one for the big company went well. Once I saw the company, I thought it would be a perfect opportunity since it specializes in what I want to do. They told me that part-timers get benefits after six months, have opportunities to apply for other jobs within the company eventually ,etc. The pay for this one is slightly better than for the bank.


Over Memorial Day weekend, I began second-guessing myself a lot: Did I make the right decision? Was it worth it not accepting the bank job simply because it paid little? I started to think that maybe I would actually like the big company job less because I'd be working alongside other people who are doing exactly the same thing as I am; hence, I'd be getting less recognition. The bank was doing this internship thing for the first time ever - I would have been working in a very small department (5 people). Although small, perhaps I would have liked the fact that it would be very hands-on and since it's really a one-man show, I would get lots of recognition for my work (as opposed to having 5 or more other people doing the same tasks as you).


Yesterday I got a call from yet another company located close to my house for an internship position I had applied for nearly a month ago. I was psyched about it. The lady called me at around 2:30 PM yesterday while I was taking a test online so I couldn't pick up at the time. I called her back, but no answer. It turns out that I spent the whole afternoon (and this morning) calling her over and over. No one picked up. I spoke to the receptionist and she told me that the woman seldom comes in to her office, doesn't check messages, blah blah blah. I started to feel a little weird about the situation. I finally managed to get a hold of her at around 3 PM this afternoon, and my gut was right - she told me that the position had been filled TWO DAYS ago. I don't understand why in the world she called me to set up an interview if the position had already been filled! She claims that she had no idea it had been filled prior to calling me. Not sure if that's just BS, but just the way that she handled everything was so unprofessional. You can't imagine how irate I was after hanging up.


I also called the big company to check up on the status of things, and things don't look good right now with that option either. It seems like the position isn't too flexible (since it's a part-time job and not an internship). It seems like they expect me to work around 30 OR MORE hours a week which is a lot for someone who's a full time student (currently taking two 6-week summer courses). My limit is 20-25. The job will require training which will take place at ridiculously late hours (5 PM -11 PM). Hence, this job isn't as flexible as I had hoped.


The day of the big company interview, I received a call from a different bank. I had applied for an internship position they were offering too. They wanted to schedule the interview for Tuesday but I have class that day. I asked if we could do it on Wednesday instead, but the guy said he was booked for the rest of the week and would call me that week to schedule an interview for the following week. I haven't heard from the guy again and the week is almost over.


Let's just say that I'm very depressed right now, and somewhat disappointed in myself. I should have taken the bank opportunity while I still had it. I know I wanted to explore the big company job (since its specializes in my field) but unfortunately the flexibility for that one seems limited; however, I never would have discovered this unless I would have gone for the interview. I didn't get the bank job because I felt I could get something better in terms of pay (since I made almost 50% more at my previous internship) but the experience would have been great and I would have gotten more recognition. The second bank opportunity is still floating - I don't know if they're going to call me, and I'm still ticked off after what happened with the company close to my house.


If anyone could offer some perspective/feedback, I'd appreciate it. I'm very upset with the situation and with myself right now, but I guess that's what I get for my pride. Instead of getting great experience and making a little bit, I'm currently getting no experience and making nothing at all.

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I'm sorry this has happened to you.


I still think you were right to wait and go to the other interviews. You've got to think what's best for you in the long run.


At the moment you sound like a very popular person where interviews are concerned.


Don't lose hope you'll secure yourself a position soon. Get rid of those negative feelings and focus on the positive results.


Good luck

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hey, live and learn.


Me personally? I would have scheduled the interviews and skipped the class, and then gotten notes from someone else. that's just me though. i think it's easier to learn the material on my own than and to take the first open slot for an interview.


well, good luck

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