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flirting on facebook?


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Hi all,


Very recently, I was out with friends and saw this guy I went to college with who I always thought was really cute. We ended up talking for about a half an hour that night, and we kissed. We exchanged phone numbers and I texted him 4 days later asking if he was on facebook. He is not from here (lives in STL), but he told me that he had a blast with me, that our kiss was hot and that he is coming back in town next month and that he would give me a buzz then. he also said he is looking forward to seeing me again...anyway, i friended him on facebook the next day. it's been about a week since i did so.


my question is, at this point, should i leave the ball in his court? right now, i feel like anything more will scare him off. i COULD message him on facebook, but i don't want to come on too strong...should i wait and see if he contacts me? also, he is good friends with my friend's fiance, so i think we could all potentially hang out when he comes back to visit next month...i'm leaning toward waiting but want some outside opinions. thanks!

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IMP Facebook is just like myspace..I never enjoy either site.



That isn't what she was asking!




I was just do what you're comfortable doing. Maybe just send him one friendly message saying "Hi, How are you?" and see where it goes from there. But don't push too much so early on. Good Luck

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If he said that he'll be in town next month and will give you a buzz, I would wait. From the time you hung out, you initiated both contacts: first the text, then friending him on facebook. His turn now!


If he doesn't get back to you within the next month, I think it would be okay to message him and ask him how he's been, but nothing more serious than that!

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i don't know if 'friending' someone on a website constitutes the person to contact back. not sure how that works.


i can see what laboheme means...it's not so much that we've communicated through words, but i did make the effort to look him up on the website and make friends with him. that means i was thinking about him...i think it's his turn to make a move, if he is at all interested

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i can see what laboheme means...it's not so much that we've communicated through words, but i did make the effort to look him up on the website and make friends with him. that means i was thinking about him...i think it's his turn to make a move, if he is at all interested


well, he might be put off that you found him on the internet. i would be if some girl found me.

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