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God dang emotional roller coaster

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I think my first post on her was about 3 or 4 weeks ago.




Married almost 10 years

31 yrs old

2 kids, 6 and 4

She cheated on me about 8 years ago, we separated for 5 months, and then worked things out



She says that I have been distant and unapproachable for the last two years

too dedicated to my job on my coaching or playing of sports


She says that she has been raising her hand trying to get me to notice the rift that has developed between us


I got jealous and snooped and thought she was having an affair again and then we have been talking ever since


I'm not going to therapy once a week and going in for a psych eval today, they think I need meds for depression



Ok...but here is the kicker:


She said her head is telling her to let me work on building everything back. that we have spent 10 years together and that I am the person she should spend the rest of her life with




She said her heart is telling her that it's over. That she has given so much while I wasn't paying attention that she has nothing left. She likes me, and cares for me, but that staying in the relationship at this point is for the kids and me...not for her



I have convicned her to go to couples sessions with me, hoping that there are issues (probably about me) that we can address. But I am deathly afraid my wife has checked out...

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Got this out of her last night and she said this is the main thing sitting on her right now



Our sex life is non existent...minimal passion and when we do it's sweet


She said she wants to be taken, to feel like a woman, and sometime an object and she doesn't think I can do it. she see's me as her nice husband...but thats it.


She's happy with her life, getting her self-confidence back, starting to get her career going again after 6 years off.

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Well then be a man! For goodness sake be the man. Society has place upon us a veil of civilization..but its not real! In our very core, men are men and women are women. Men are supposed to be powerful, manly, virile and steady. Women are supposed to be seductive, soft, both a kitten and a tiger! I don't care what anyone says, a woman wants to be in the arms of a man!


So find that core, take her in your arms and show her what kind of man you are!

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Thanks everyone


This last month has been a perfect storm for us...and I'm hoping we come out of it with enough to get us to the next 10 year mark


I have the kids going to the grandparents tonight for a nice long date with my wife...and more talking...I'm really trying to get into her head, amoung other things

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Thanks everyone


This last month has been a perfect storm for us...and I'm hoping we come out of it with enough to get us to the next 10 year mark


I have the kids going to the grandparents tonight for a nice long date with my wife...and more talking...I'm really trying to get into her head, amoung other things




this past issue could very well spark that fire and give you the passion you need.

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Getting out in public with your wife is a good thing. It can help in ways that you may not understand (myself included)...but it works. Good to hear that things are looking up for you. Hang in there!

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