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Job Interview Dilemma - what should i do??

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Hi everyone,


In a nutshell, here's the dilemma:


I had an interview for Company A on Monday. Although the pay is very low I think the experience will come in handy. They called me today to say that I've got the job should I choose to accept it.


However, I asked them if they could give me some time to think about it, because there's another company I have an interview on Friday. Company B not only pays more, but it's a bigger and more well-known company. I'd be doing similar tasks but for more money and for more opportunities for growth once I graduate from college in December.


Unfortunately, company A wants a response by noon Friday. My interview with company B is right now slated for 2:30 PM Friday but because of this urgency I'm going to have to call them tomorrow to move it to 10:00 AM or so. The reason I scheduled it for Friday at 2:30 is because I originally had yet another interview for another company at 10:00 AM. Since that one is not related to what I want to do (it's more sales-oriented; I was just attracted by the pay) I think I'm going to cancel that interview altogether.


Thus, you guys could see my dilemma. Unless Company B offers the job on the spot, I'm in a tough position! If they say that they'll need more time to consider the best candidate, I don't know what I'm going to tell company A. I don't want to lose either one. I might have to beg Company A to give me more time. Company A stated they want the person to start Monday but I realized that Monday is Memorial Day.


No, I cannot set up the interview for Thursday instead - I have school all day.


I really don't want to end up in a position where both positions are lost.


Any advice?

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Can you get the notes from someone else?


you know, how about if you call company A, tell them you need a few more days to think about it, and point out that monday is a holiday, hopefully they will give you until monday or something.

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That's what I plan to do. I seriously doubt that company B is going to hire me on the spot, although sometimes that is in the realm of possibility. I'm hoping that they will, considering that the deadline for applications (for the company B job) is May 31st.

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I think you should call Company A and ask them if you could be given a few more days. Tell them about your situation. The fact of the matter is, they have already accepted you for a position. So that means that they really want you to join them. If they really wanted you enough, then they would understand your situation and thus give you more time. If they are offering you a lower paying job, then they should at least give you what you need here. Chances are, Company B is going to take at least a few days (although I have been hired on the spot before!). It's a tough situation to be in, I know. Good luck!

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