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How i have told you,

That everything is fine,

That even when you are gone,

Your soul shall still be with mine.


And even if we fail,

To see each other again,

We shall meet in heaven,

Oh to you i feel no pain.


But i don't know how to go on,

I don't know how to forget,

That next weekend,

It won't be against you i hold a bet.


My laughter won't come,

From watching you fall,

With tears in my eyes,

I realise its my reflection holding the ball.


It won't be at your head,

That ball is thrown,

Nor laughter on my face,

As you let out a painful groan.


It won't be you,

Who chases me til i drop,

Giggling and puffing,

Wondering if a ball on the head is what i'm going to cop.


And when we talk and talk,

And don't shut up,

It won't be you standing,

To make a silly dance up.


And when i cry,

It won't be you on the other end of the phone,

It will be someone,

To whom my past is unknown.


And you promised me,

You would never go,

You said you'd never,

Go else where to put on a show.


And when you said,

You'd talk to us soon,

Was that another lie,

That we will find out next June.


And when you can't cope,

Will in be my number you dial,

Or will someone else take my place,

When you have been away for a while.


I just want to know,

Would you answer me what i ask,

Because if your promises are untrue,

I will put on my hard mask.


Pretend it doesn't matter,

I'll continue to say i don't care,

But in reality,

It just seems unfair...

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