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Book Talk

alice tale lady

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Hi there!


I was cleaning our attic last week and found some old books from my mother. One that I remembered was "Tales in a jugular vein" by the master Robert Bloch, dated 1965. Ancient history.

I reread it first time since I was 15 and found the stories a bit ironic, but entertaining.

One of those was "Sabbatical" about a man who invents a time machine and travels to the past and to the future. In a scene, he told a 1965 man about the troubles he found in year 2000: fear of right wing, spy hunts, something called "the plutonium scandal", children crime, drug abuse, critics about lyrics and entertaining industries, overwhelming T.V. and advertisements. Was Robert Bloch a good futurizer or what? The conditions he described were quite close to ours.

Ah! And women around 200 lbs. We are going fast there...


Other writers didn't achieve as good... fortunately: look at the clothes depicted on old movies, with tights and capes, a la superman, traveling on big cars at 300 m.p.h. With nuclear reactors and eating pills and carrying laser guns. Someone who knowed said "The future was never as predicted".


The "future" computers still were huge machines, with a lot of lights and running tapes. And no one predicted the internet.

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