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Finding the passion again, building the love


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11 years

2 kids

3 BIG fights

1 bought of her infidelity


And right now we both look at each other like roomates, not lovers


How do I capture it again? I'm sick and tired of her using the phrase "Do you remember when you were nice to me in the beginning...yea..that was nice"

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11 years

2 kids

3 BIG fights

1 bought of her infidelity


And right now we both look at each other like roomates, not lovers


Sounds like an echo of my situation:

3 Kids

12 years together

Her recent infidelity


Roomates for sure, no intimacy, no sex, nothing.

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It feels like the ball is in my court to romance her but


1) Part of me doesn't want to for purely childish reasons

2) She is tired of our routine, and I can't think of anything to spice it up

3) I'm still very angry

4) My doc thinks I'm battling a nice bought of depression right now



So I think I'm hosed....

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  • 1 month later...

If your feeling depressed still pick up some of the herb "Tribulus". It isn't normaly used for depression but it helped me out a lot. I was in a state of severe depression for 18 months and it brought me out of it. Basically the herb naturaly brings your hormones into check including testosterone. I've come out of my depression, lost 30 lbs in 2 months, got my 6 pack and a ton of confidance. It can take 4 weeks for the effects however I was feeling better in a couple of weeks.

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I'm have hit the gym HARD since the last posting on here. My wife si actualyl trying to get me to slow down...Down almost 2 sizes in pants for waist and my shirts hang off my chest again.


Lets say that the sex life has heated up again...

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