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Last night...


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Last night,

I cut my wrist,

last night,

I bled,

last night,

I hit a vein,

last night,

I went insane,

last night,

I cried buckets of tears,

last night,

I didn't fear,

last night,

I hurt so much,

last night,

I watched,

the blood pump from my cut,

hoping with some luck,

I'll make that last slit,

and bleed to death,

last night,

I failed to be,

failed to suicide,

once again,

last night,

I didn't succeed.


Created on the 14th of May.

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What did NoComply said? If it was anything to do with 'you are an attention seeking pyscho, go do it properley', oh don't worry, I will be doing it properley soon enough.


Thankyou girl friend, and yeah, I guess I am ok.

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Just dont let comments like that get to you hun, theres a lot of people on here with their own problems, and who just can't understand yours.


Don't do it kiddo. Please. If you do it, the self-injury has won. And what ever caused that. Everyone who's ever caused you pain in the past, has won.


The talent displayed in y our poem/... you owe it to yourself to stay, to nurture those talents, to be something in the world one day.


You're only 14 child, the later teen years were the best in my life! You get independence, you can chose what you study, you can live away from home, you really really can follow your dreams.


Why not direct this energy to allowing that to happen one day. Without the past always following you. You can do it.

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Why are you not talking to someone who loves you about this? I know there are lots of people here who care, but the only people who can really get something done for you are your parents. Any mother or father would go to the ends of the earth to prevent the suicide of a child. No matter how embarrassing you think it will be, they will stick by you. I have been through something similar with my son, and he had been afraid of telling us for a very long time. He thought we would disown him, never talk to him again. But guess what? Instead we got him to the best doctors around and he has moved back home with us and is doing just lovely now.


Please ask for help, sarey.

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Thats right.


Even if relations are strained between you and your family, it turns nature on its head when i child dies first. They will NEVER get over it. You are loved. Print of this post or your poem or something and mail it to them if you can't face telling them.

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She's right, you don't know her. Some people have a bad time of live, why are you so aggressive about suicide/self-injury issues anyway NoComply?


because i believe life is what you make it.

everyone has the ability to do something, take a stand.


i didnt have the easiest childhood, far from it.

but i didnt turn to self harm, i didnt let it get to me.

i took control of my own life and set things straight.


there are other ways to go about things other than self harm, thats the quitters way out.


so im sorry if i come accross as harsh with my views on self harm, but it is completely avoidable.

people just need to believe in themselves and do something about their problems.

nothing is without a solution

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excuse me?


selfharm is a coping mechnism aswell as that it's addictive, i'm not continuing this post because i know i'll get banned for my swearing.



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there are other ways to go about things other than self harm, thats the quitters way out.


Dude you're being horrible.

I dont know why some people get thru without turning to self-harm and others need self-harm. It could lie in what they've been through. So you've been through bad times. And maybe thats made you who you are today.


I don't think its right to criticise people who have been through such pain in their lives that cutting is the only way to let the pain out. Can you even imagine how it must feel to rip at your own skin to survive. How intense those emotions are. How miserable and alone it must make cutters feel? And how much an effect on them your words might have? You can't possibly understand the pain that these people have gone through.


IT IS NOT A QUITTERS WAY OUT. They're still here arent they? Trying to battle through life. Writing poems to express their feelings. Trying to break the cycle. Which as Sarey said is addictive. And one of the hardest battles you could ever fight. You dont understand how brave it is for cutters to even recognise it is a battle that needs fighting, and not resign themselves to accepting self-injury as a permenant part of their life.


Think yourself lucky you've never been there.

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