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Does counseling EVER help?

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depends on the person.

Couselling only helps if the person WANTS to change. and if the person believes they have a problem & believes they have the power to change. And wants to!!!


But don't wait for them to change, if he's abusive & hasn't sought help himself, he probably won't.

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Okay I just scanned over your last post.

Please get out!

If he wants to change, he can do that on his own. don't put your life & future at risk, hopeing he will. And if he does decied to change, this is still a LONG process...years. to change. Don't wait for it. Don't put your life in his hands.


Like you said, it's getting worse. Don't wait till you've got broken arms,legs or skull to get out!

Do it now, while you still can!!

If you stay, you're condoning it. Take care of yourself. Please leave!!! You two bring out the worse in eachother. You are 23, you've got so much ahead of you. This is not love. Love protects & supports you. It doesn't control & abuse you. This is not what you invisioned your future to be, please don't settle for this.

You have more strength within you than you know...Fight for your life & get away from him. Fight for your freedom. YOu are worth it!

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looking at your other post.

6 months...you should be in the honeymoon stage.

This is a clear sign get out. There is no healthy happy future here. These are his true colors. Now that you see them,Don't stick around to see how bad he'll get!!

Couselling, out of the question...what are you trying to save??? if this was a marriage & kids involved, maybe..actually no, not even than, cause it would be FAR too dangerous to have children near him.


Remember God didn't put you in this relationship, he gave us free will, freedom to choose. God gives us the strength to remove ourselve from this, and the wisdom to see the signs & learn from it, so we can prevent it from happening again.

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COunseling only works if the other person really wants to change. However, often they will only pretend to go to counselling to keep you in the relationship for longer. I went to counselling with my abusive ex. After a few sessions, he didn`t like having his behaviour confronted by someone who wasn`t intimidated and decided he was fine the way he was and didn`t "need" counselling. He also used the things I said in counselling against me. He basically used counselling to find more ways to manipulate and hurt me.


If this guy is already hitting you and already got you to come back several times with promises of change, you shouldn`t trust him anymore. He is NOT trustworthy.


Counselling, however, is excellent for recovering from abuse. Get counselling for yourself. But don`t try counselling for an excuse to stay in a bad relationship.

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