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  1. I can't believe you didn't have the decency to even say goodbye. I'm surrounded by packing boxes in my little flat, doing it all by myself, god knows how i'm going to get all my stuff accross the country to my mums... you were supposed to be helping me. You were supposed to be loving and supportive of my move overseas, you were supposed to be proud of me (as you said you were)... but you disappeared, vanished, didn't even have the decency or respect to tell me why or wish me well. I hate you for that, but thankfully the excitement about my move overseas is beginning to outweigh the pain... and everyone else I know is 100% behind me on it. They've been brilliant and unbelievably supportive. I've got over 50 people coming to my leaving party so far... they all care, and will be there for me no matter what. I wish you had been man enough to do the same. After everything I supported you through i can't comprehend how you could be so blatantly heartless and cowardly. It's not hard to say goodbye, it's not hard to even just send me an email to say sorry, why you did it, or even just to wish me all the best... Anyway, thank you, in a way, for doing this, as it make it abundantly clear what a complete kn@b head you are. I don't need your support and I am VERY glad that I have been strong enough not to send the goodbye email I had written to you. You don't deserve it. I hope to goodness i stay so strong until I leave and start my new life overseas. It's your birthday next week and maybe you're expecting a text from me (or maybe you're not at all) but you won't get one. I've done enough reaching out to you over the years and I'm not going to be ingored by you again. Goodbye (name).
  2. Not sure why I’m emailing but I just find it hard to walk away from someone who’s been such a huge part of my life for the last year and a half without a word. I’m going away in Jan for 6 months and I just wish you could be happy for me, or at least ask me about my plans, but you’ve chosen to turn your back on me and walk away, without so much as wishing me well? I find it hard to believe you never cared at all. We were cool and happy. Even if you are seeing someone else, there’s no reason to treat me as though I never existed, especially now I’m leaving London. Obviously you have your reasons, but whatever they are, if you can’t be happy for me, and blanking me is the easiest thing for you to do, that’s your decision, but I just wanted to say take care, as, even if the last year and a half meant nothing to you, it meant a huge amount to me. So take care...
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