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  1. So I broke no contact after 2 days, two days ago. I posted on here saying that my ex texted me telling me that he had internal bleeding. It was so hard, but I fought the urge to respond. Then later that night he blew up my phone telling me how he's scared for his life, couldn't get out of bed, and that he could eat the wrong thing and die, etc. I eventually responded saying, "I'm sorry. I wish I could help you. And I was going to leave it at that. Then he continued to text me saying, "Me too. Karma's a * * * * * , I guess." I didn't respond. He kept texting, feeling sorry for himself. Sent me a picture of how he looked, then apologized for bothering me. I texted back, trying to end the conversation by saying, "I'm sorry. I really hope everything turns out okay. Good luck." He continued on blowing up my phone and said, "I can't wait to leave earth behind. The only thing good here is gone now now because I pushed it away." I didn't respond. Then he said, "I'm sorry. I won't bug you anymore because I doubt you want to talk to me. Well love you, glad to see you're enjoying life and being happy. I responded after that because I didn't want to lose every possible chance. So I said, "I love you too. Try and get better, you have people here that would miss you. Goodnight." He then responded with a " " face. The next day I couldn't help but text him. I don't know why. I made first contact telling him, "Good luck with your scan results." He said that he was glad to see me happy and I , stupidly, told him that I wasn't all happy, just learning to be happy differently. I made a little joke and he sent a sad face. I told him that we used to smile about it and he replied saying, "I wish I could, but the good memories hurt." I told him, stupidly again, "You're the one who wanted to make them memories. So smile and make the best out of it. The memories I have with you are some of the best that I have." Then hours later he responded saying, "Not possible." I didn't reply. So today he texted me saying, "Glad good is coming to you... You deserve the world!!!" I haven't replied. I'm so confused. He played with my heart during the break-up. I don't know if he wants me back or is just trying to hold on to a piece of me, but not the whole thing. I truly want to get back together, but if not, I'm trying to heal myself. I don't want to ruin my chances by no contact if he inf act wants to get back together. I don't know what to do. Any advice?
  2. It's day 2 now and I feel a little better. The first thing I did when I opened my eyes was jump to my phone so I could look at his facebook, but I caught myself. I finished up an assignment for my class and am about to head that way now. I posted a facebook status saying that I was off to school and he liked it. When I saw that notification, it mostly annoyed me. It seems like he's trying to be a jerk about me moving on. I finished getting ready for school, then grabbed my phone. 2 unread texts from him. They say, "I'm bleeding internally. I don't know what to do. Should I respond telling him to feel better? Should I not respond and seem like I don't care? I'm in a rut. I'm thinking about leaving my phone at home because I don't know what to do.
  3. Dammit! I just went to his page again. Any help on how to stop, aside from deleting his profile? After he breaks up with a girl he usually deletes her, but he hasn't me. I know he looks at my page and I want him to see that I'm finally happy and moving on. Besides, if I delete him he'll probably never contact me again which is what I secretly hope for. So any help?
  4. This is my first attempt at NC with my newly ex-boyfriend as of Friday. I begged, pleaded, did everything for him... & his response was, "If it's meant to be, let it go and see if it comes back." I'm not sure if I'm still going to accept that as the truth, being that he played with my head these last 2 days after we broke up. (Texted me when I didn't text him, trying to make me feel bad about trying to move on & accusing me of being able to easily forget.) He told me he didn't know if he wanted to work on our relationship yet, continued to call me "beautiful/princess", but deleted all of our pictures off of his Facebook yesterday. When I texted him confronting him about that I said, "You deleted all of our pictures. That's all I need to know. Goodbye." His response: "Okay, your choice." So I started my NC today, granted I didn't know about this thread until now. I didn't contact him at all, but I did stay on his Facebook on and off all day. I looked at our old pictures in my phone. I read his statuses and looked to see if he added any girls. And I liked a comment his mother posted on his page. Aside from the major stalking on my part, I haven't spoken to him today. I cried about 3 times today. I haven't eaten anything but grapes since Thursday night; it's the only thing I can keep down. But I'm choose to move on. Let's see how I manage.
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