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  1. day what...?? 8 i think she broke contact today to say hi. we exchanged some friendly txt, and caught up. I invited her to get some ice cream Saturday. She said that she couldn't cause she has plans. I asked what kind. and... Soooo it looks like she broke contact to say she was going on a date. I told her that I couldnt talk to her if she was dating and politely wished her well & exited the conversation. ugh back to day 1. This time its 100% for me to heal with no thoughts of getting back together.
  2. Today was the hardest yet. I wanted so bad to reach out....really miss her.
  3. Thanks. Not easy going from talking to someone all day to having no contact at all. She has to be feeling it too, right? Or maybe she has totally moved on. Last she said is that she wanted a few weeks to herself. I am naive to believe that she is really using some of that time to reflect and think about what she is giving up?
  4. One week. Today isn't starting off very well. I wanted so bad to txt her good morning. Can't help but to think that NC is having the opposite effect on her, that its validating her decision to break up and is only making her stronger. Ahhhh This has to get better, right?
  5. Back to work today. Only problem with that is, I have a lot of time on my hands. Time that was once filled with text and emails to her. Before all this we never went more than a day with out talking. This has to get easier. I kinda want to call her and say lets stop all this, and just go back to being us. I mean we just saw each other 10 days ago, i could see in her eyes that she still loves me. These past two months since the break up have been so hard , we were best friends, I do wonder how she is doing.
  6. Ok, I'll jump in on this. NC DAY 5 She broke up with me about two months ago. I had alot of damage from a previous long term (12 year) relationship. She just finally gave up one day. We have been in contact ever since. Neither of us wanting to completely let go. I am working through the previous damage with weekly counseling now. Today was going to be our 4 year anniversary, combine that with a long weekend & its a hard day to say the least. And its raining, makes me miss the rainy days where we would just relax and be with each other. I have been out and about most all weekend, taking my daughter to festivals and things. That passed the time, but it was always something we would do together with her son. Tried to stay focused on my daughter and just enjoy the time. My daughter went back to her mom's today, and just feel kinda alone. No emails, no text, no calls.... trying not to think of how the now ex gf is spending her day/weekend. Last night I deleted all the old emails and her number from my phone, deactivated FB the day after the breakup so I didnt post a depressing status. Last week was really stressful for her and she asked for a break from everything for a while. So I went straight NC to give her all the time and space in the world and get into the mind set that I may very well never hear from her again. BU June 27 Last Contact AUG 31
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