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  1. im taking seasonal its birth control pack for three months so u only have ur period eery three months. well this week im meant to have my period after not for three months going away this weekend is it ok to take the first week in the new pack then stop and have my period next week then start the pack again on the 2nd week? so i would be missing the first week in the pack. any thoughts appreciated
  2. i met my now bf as he was having problems with his gf, we hit it off he broke up with her after 6 yrs casue he said he could not marry her. i have been with him for ten months, he went trhough a period where he was between me and her, then he picked me. i love him but he talks to his ex alot lately almost everyday. text messages and everything he also gets defensive of her, thinks its no big deal that i have a problem. he does not respect my feelings and honestly think he would pick her over me. im thinking its not worth and its not worth it in your situation either, ive tried talking to my bf over and over again, hes just sick of the subject now. i dont know what to do so its going to be an ultimatum which i will have to follow thoiugh with no matter who he picks. i think thats also your best bet honestly but be prepared for who he picks if its not u, and foloow through, i dont know if i can so u hope u can good luck hope this helped
  3. ill try and make this short! i met my boyfriend ten months ago at the time him and i had significant others he had been with his girl for 6 yrs he is now 22. i had been with my man for 4 yrs iam now 20. he had been having problems with her when he met me, we hit it off instantly i could never have a connection like that with anyone else he says the same. they broke up and so did my bf and i we were already in the process. he kinda left her for me, so we dated on and off he talked to his ex everyday kept going back to her i dated around, he finally picked me and wanted to be with me only. so now were together and are doing well together except one thing, he still talks to his ex alot. she calls him all the time just to tell him about her life she also has a new bf and says shes is very happy with him. my boyfriend says i have nothing t worry about, we share a cell phone plan and i can check how many times he tlaks to her and when. they have been talking more lately i have talked to him about it and he just does not understand how i feel about the situation i dont mind them being friends but not talsking everyday and texting. i worry i dont know what they talk about or text each other i dont want o get screwed. he says he wants me and only me and knows this will work but i odnt trust him he swears he has no feleings like for her just as a friend. what should i do him talking to her makes me sick to my stomach, i hate it and we fight because of it, please help
  4. well i have a big butt and flat abs with no chest! my boyfriend love me just as iam, were as other guys would perfer a girl with big boobs or small everywhere. if i were u i would not worry there is no average, everyone is so different that they cannot possibly put a definetion on average. hope it helped alittle
  5. I think im over reacting but i really cant help it. My boyfriend who i have basically been with for 9 months on and off becauase 9 months ago he broke up with his ex gf of 6 yrs yes i know my goodness! hes 22 very mature, but he basically broke up with her becasue he cant see himself marrying her, he met me we have been together for a while now, but for a little while he would keep going back to her wondering if theere was still something there. he realized there isent and is now in love with me and were perfectly happy. except he is still friends with her and calls her about once every two weeks i know thats not much, but i dont think there is anything in the world that bugs me more then him calling her just to say hi or soemthing. he says he has no reason to call her that there friends and wants to say hi see how shes doing. it makes me sick to my stomach and i hate it, i know there friends he wont go back to her but i cant handle it, i dont know what to do. i have tlaked to him about it and he thinks i have problems and that there always going to be friends and he would never marry her and loves me but i dont know he went back to her twice already why not again? please help
  6. i have been dating this guy for 6 months, basically what happened is he broke up with his gf oof 6 years and started dating me. he doesent want a gf but anyone would say he acted like my boyfriend. hes always with me we do everything together, we have a strong bond. well im started to really fall for him, hes perfedt for me and we have the perfect relationship except for the commitment part. he is still friends with his ex but she recently told him she cant handle talking to him and seeing him and his family as she was very close to his family. hes having a hrd time dealing with the fact that hes losing his best friend, the only girl hes known. they broke up before hes been with other girls! hes says he doesent want to date other girls that hes happy with me, but he doesent want me all the way. i dont ave a problem with this too much, i know we really care for each other and have strong feelings for one another. but do u think hes having a hard time letting her go becasue he misses her? or becasue he really does see her as a friend and doesent want to lose that? should i back off so i dont get hurt? or stay around and see what happens give him time? what if im really suppose to be with him? im very confused and hes very confusing! any advice would be great!
  7. the guy i broke up with my bf for has decided e does not want a gf. im fine with this except hes still at my house everyday, im going to his familys for christmas he talks to his ex still but doesent hang out with her. he saus he loves being with me, he could see him self with me. i feel like im getting played but i dont know i know he has strong feelings for me, he dpesent want the commitment. hes all over me all the time he only hangs out with me, he acts like im his gf he gets upset when other guys call. whats going on?
  8. they just broke up like 2 months ago and now hes with me! hes with me all the time. how do i find out that hes lieing or wants to be with her?
  9. i broke up with my bf of three years ago, i met a new guy in the process. we get along fantastic i feel like i have known him forever, we are perfect for eachother. well he cheated on his gf of six years with me, the broke up with her. now were dating, they still talk everyweek, this bugs me. we talk all te time about everything we tell each other everything. but i found a text message on his phone to his ex saying i miss having sex with you. i confronted him he feels so bad and has been trying to make it up to me eversince. i told him i would not put up with thi becasue my ex used to do it all the time. we talked about whether he should be alone beasue hes not over his ex. he says he has been over her for a while, and want to be with me and only me he loves bein with me hes never been happier. now i dont trust him and its hard he also said he absolutely loves having sex with me and that it has never felt like this before..... the thing that bugs is that he does not have a reason s to why he wrote what he did. i believe there is a reason for everything but he desoent have one. i really dont think hes over her but he swears on everything he is, hes so genuine. what should i do?
  10. i have my period this week but im going away this weekend and its not suppose to stop until sunday, if i start tsking mypills today will it make my period stop or will it just keep going?
  11. pills take 72 hours to get out of your system, so i doubt that u became pregnant. but theres always a possiblity and u can still take a test when on the pills it will read accurately. hope this helps alittle
  12. i have been with my bf for 3 yrs and we have a great relationship except he never wants to have sex with me. im very sexual and he never wants to do anything its like were best friends not lovers too. weve talked about threeseomes and what not i said i would be fine with one except i didnt think i would want him to have sex with her he said thats fine i dont want to anyway. so last weekend we did except one of his friends that he used to date and was dating when he met me, came up to where we were staying and shes a cool person so i didnt care but when we went to the room to have a threesome with my friend rachel this girl my bf friend came too thatw as fine i thought she would hook up with us too, then my bf turned the lights out and i was with my friend rachel and i reached over and realized he was having sex with his friend he brought up, and he didint switch he didnt even touch me and rachel, he had sex with her right next to me. i couldnt believe it and neither could rachel, now i cant even look at my bf it makes me sick when i think about it, i told him i want a break for a while and i told him why. he said he didnt want to have sex with her but thought she may feel out of place if she were to hook up with me and rachel, he also said he didnt want to and would rather have sex with me. he never has sex with me though and didnt that whole weekend except with her. what should i do? am i over reactiing?
  13. i have been with my bf for three years and i love him but i met a new guy, one of my bf's friends! hes the coolest guy i have ever met we have this bond im sooo attracted to him more to im then anyone else i have ever met. i want him miss him and wonder what woild happen if we were together. our feelings are so strong for each other, and its very mutual he has a gf of 6 yrs i dont know if its beacasue i cant have him that i want him sooo bad or that maybe we really are meant to be together. i really like him and he really likes me i want to see him all the time, he feels the same way. we dont know what to do we love our significant others but we wonder if maybe were suppose to be together? please someone i need advice!
  14. im just going to tell you what i think!!! it seems as though no matter what you guys are going to have a connection after all she had your son. sometimes things happen that sucks u hooked up with that girl, but you know what if you really love each other then it shouldnt matter. if i were her i would be hurting too, it seems like you guys have a communication problem like me and my bf!!! what i think you should do honestly is sit down and talk to her, tell her everything you feel think and want! and ask if she can do the same. you guys need to be completely honest with eachother. and if you really love eachother then you will be together. but talk to her tell her u love her, u want to be with her and your son, u guys need to talk, tell each other what u really feel and in the end maybe you wont be together but at least you will understand why and what is going on in her head. but you will always have a connection u had a beautiful son together.
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