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Posts posted by wildestkabs

  1. Day 4 NC.


    Had a great chest workout today. Got on the elliptical and the treadmill for 10 minutes each as well. Have lost 13 lbs since the last time she saw me.


    Really hope to lose another 10 - 15 lbs in the coming months and gain a few pounds of muscle. It's funny how the thought of the ex with the rebound gives me more strength to lift than any creatine ever would lol!

  2. I keep expecting my phone to ring, or an email to appear. This is the longest we have ever been without communicating since I first met her


    This is the hardest thing I have ever done. I want to break the NC and tell her that I still love her and want her, but I have done that already and it changed nothing.


    She has to realise what I mean to her (if anything) and want to come back and talk to me. I can';t be just friends right now, and I think that's all she needs.


    Feel like I have become a bit addicted to this site, and talking to some of the people on here, and wonder if I am using these communications to replace talking with her and whether that means I will ever be able to move on at this rate.


    All of what you have said above is exactly how I feel about my situation...Word for word! Hang in there!

  3. Day 2 NC.


    You know I miss you a lot. It's funny that the long distance that created a problem for us, is no longer going to be a problem anymore, since within a few months, I would be less than 10 miles from where you live.


    But you go enjoy your new relationship with that clown. I don't care for him but as long as you are happy, I am happy.


    NC long and strong baby, long and strong!!

  4. I fell ya brother. Day 0, Hour 9 of NC. Yeah I blew it today cause of an accidental contact last night. Back to square 1... sigh


    Yup brother, tough it is. Ex just called me, I did not answer..then, like an idiot, I called her back, she did not answer..


    NC reset. Day 1 begins tomorrow..

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