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Posts posted by somegirl30

  1. I've been doing so well all week... I was so busy with work then I'm visiting my mom for the weekend. I thought it would be good to get away. I've been feeling so good and now this evening I've been hit with a wave of sadness. I know our relationship was fairly short, but I miss you! We had so much fun together! I made dinner for my family this evening. Something I once made for you that you raved about. My family didn't care for it and it made me think of you. I made the food I made when you and I had a picnic on the floor since it rained. That was such a wonderful evening. I'm fighting back tears because I don't want my mom to know I'm sad. I need to have a good cry. I want to feel your arms around me. I want to hear your voice, see your smile. I want you to make me laugh. I just miss you right now.

  2. Dear ex,


    I am so angry at you lately. So angry at you b/c while you're on match again, dating and moving on, I'm still not quite over you. I can't even go on a date.


    I can't believe you were back on match the same week you dumped me. Kinda funny you didn't realize you weren't feeling a "connection" till after we had sex. Maybe I'm being unfair, but right now the whole thing just really p***es me off. you.

  3. I've been thinking of you this evening. Wondering how you are and what you're up to. I was remembering the day I met your kids and how happy you seemed. Thinking about it kinda confuses me. Anyway, I wonder if you've been on any dates lately. I wonder if I was special to you at all. You can contact me and tell me if you regret breaking it off...


    Now I sound pathetic. Anyhow, M's last day of work is next Wed. I'm relieved. We've been getting along, though, and she's been behaving herself. I'm probably going to move closer to my family next year, in the fall when my lease is up. I'm looking forward to it. Maybe then I'll meet someone who thinks I'm too good to let go of.

  4. You know, part of me thinks that you're right and that we aren't right for each other. But another part thinks why can't we try? And I miss you. I miss talking to you and telling you everything that's going on. Yesterday I left on my trip. Took the bus and made it to the correct destination. Would love to hear you tease me. I want you to text me so badly so I will know if you're thinking of me at all. I can't stop thinking of you and wondering about you. But I will not contact you. I'm having a good visit with family. Got to spend time with my nephews today. I watched Paranormal Activity with my sister tonight and I'm so sleeping with the light on... You wouldn't like the movie, very creepy. I'm up sooooo late, I bet you're in bed. I saw that you're on match again already. Was it really so easy to get over me? Are you hoping to meet someone better? I know I need to come to a place where I would hope you would, but right now I'm not there. I hope you find nobody and regret dumping me...

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