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  1. I've done so well to let you go. You have reached out to me on occasion but i know you know now that im getting on with my life and im happy. I'm getting on with my life and i am truly happy right now. You're going away tomorrow with your mum. on the holiday we booked together that we were meant to be going on together. I hurt slightly when i know we cant share that experience with each other but i know in the future we will get a chance to make some more memories together, whether thats together in love or just as friend i uncertain yet but that doesnt matter to me right now. My ex before you and i get on brillantly now. Infact im sure if we started seeing each other more again, we could see if the sparks there so i know we will be in that position one day. But to get there with her took time as it will with you, time apart, enjoying our separate lives for a while. The only feeling i get when i think of you is a slightly anxiety. I'm curious to see where things go when we see one another again in the near future. I wish you luck on your placement but im sorry you've taken a most definate backseat in my life now, you're back there with the others and you will only step forward if i choose to let you back in. Speak soon.
  2. Im sorry things ended the way they did. Im happy we got to speak today,that i got to say sorry. Truth is i am glad you broke up with me. I need something like this to grow into a better person. It meant the world to me that you agreed you would like to get to know each other once again, start fresh but not now, im not ready yet. Tomorrow marks the first day of our agreed NC. I know i'll make it through because i got to say sorry and you listened. Make the most of this placement though! Its the main reason we split up. I wont wait around for you in hope that we will get back together, i will move on and better myself and see where that takes us. I wish you all the best over the coming months
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