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Everything posted by bitebenot

  1. It looks like a change in your life and the pain that follows it,Does it make sense to you ?
  2. Sometimes it takes way too much to keep a relationship alive.She wanted 110% from you ! In your case,you needed to put her constantly on a pedestal and to show her all the time how much you loved her.Why didnt she talked about it ? From what i read,your bond with her was very good.But it seems she was longing for more.Also, she works in a club,lots of men chasing her around.If by any chance she shows a desire to come back,how much energy would you need to keep the connection strong ? Would it be a long term relationship even if you invest yourself totaly ? So much to think about.The best for now is to take care of yourself,this is your priority number one.I do know how you feel,my ex of five years dumped me three days after she met her novelty.Yes it stinks big time,also for me she wont even communicate witch is ok by me.NC will give you time to reflect on your situation and think more clearly over time.You definitely will see the light at the end of the tunnel,just hang on.
  3. Hey.hey ! Its not over yet.You dont know if she gave up on you ! Let time show her that her novelty aint better than you ! That will usually take a few months.Let her new bf remove his mask and she will see the true him.Right now she is still comparing him to you.Give him time to mess up a litle.If your relationship whas good, you still have a fair chance.One month aint much in those situations.The average is 3 to 5 months.But just dont stand still and wait for her. OK ?
  4. Well its been 4 months today ! 3 months and a week of total NC.Feeling better all the time,dont think about her as much.No more dreams or "if" in my mind.Shes gone for good and she will become just a memory of the past.Moving on is the way to go,i wouldnt be at that stage if i kepted chasing her.Now i can listen to music whitout being sad.Not to be in contact with my ex is like getting rid of a virus.It would the best for her to never communicate with me because i would give her the third degree.
  5. At 2 weeks is completely normal.Just hold on a litle more.The first two months are really tough.
  6. You would understand her only if you studied biology !
  7. What if he starts chasing you ? What will you do ? Are you shutting all the doors ? If you still want him back,you surely cant communicate with him any longer,it will be NC full time.
  8. I think your friend is reporting to your ex...thats ok,it means the ex wants to know ! Whatever you do,dont call ! Be patient and wait to see what happens.
  9. Just wait a litle longer,im sure he will get into contact.Hes probably testing you to see how far you can take it.Dont move till he does first.
  10. You didnt break NC..just keep going..if it happens again,do the same,just say hi ! and keep on walking.
  11. Friendship with an ex is not always a good idea !(not recommanded) Think about it ! Old wounds that can be reopen...whatever you do,dont go on the waiting mode because you will be miserable for a long time ! Your only option right now is to move on and heal.Hope if you want too,but do what you can to be happy.Your ex will be cheerful whitout you..at least do the same.The time wasted holding back is the allotment you could use to be captivated by another lover.The ex is not the center of the universe !
  12. You did exactly what you should.Good move,couldnt do any better.I wonder if she was hoping to cross your path !
  13. I tried that after three months,same sector we use to go the most often..didnt feel to good.I guess it takes time to overpass that mode.I will try at six months and hopefully all bad feelings will be gone.She turned my world upside down,selfish women !
  14. Destroyed you in and out...tell yourself that 20 times a day and be happy he cant no longer perform his black magic on you any longer.Write down his good and bad qualities and really think about what you read ! The man didnt DESERVE you ! You know you can do much better,he was exploithing you ! Be very proud of your achiement and love yourself for it.This segment of your life will only make you a better women and it will reflect on your next relationship.I personally think you are a good person and devoted to the one you love,thats a huge attribute ! Just save it for yout next Romeo.
  15. After 5 months he no longer can hurt you...now your hurting yourself ! Take a break..very soon even that wont bother you anymore.
  16. Could work if you stay away from her and ignoring her messages that means nothing.She will try again im sure.Stay strong and in control,its your best wager !
  17. Also make sure she cant see you on the net.Never answer the phone,listen to messages only.Call her once she wants reconciliation only.Make her work very hard to get you back or she will leave you again shortly after ! Might take some time or to be honest,maybe never ! Just be ready emotionally because it can be a rough ride.Like i said many times before,you get one shot at it,you goof and your fried.
  18. Congratulations to you..i will be there in a month ! Great picture by the way.
  19. And again you give her more power.You will be on the back burner. But then,you decide whats better for you.
  20. Day one and you already deserve a medal ! A good start,keep thinking that way and you will make it.
  21. Contacting the ex is a very bad idea.What would be the point ? Try to reason with her/him ? Its a waste of time..by doing so you tell them " i love you and i'll wait as long as it takes " ! You then become a safety net,a dormat ! You cant reason with them,they know what they are doing and its on their own free choice ! If you convince the ex to come back,it will be a short stay ! Once they leave,they have to earn their right to come back ! You cant be available to them that way,its not logical ! First the ex left because they mostly fell out of love,you cant produce that for them,impossible ! When they ask for reconciliation then you know its sincere.When you ignore them, you make them pass a test,they fail or they succeed.Staying in the picture isnt helping none,they cant miss you at all.They have to see what they are missing and loved by creating a void,you have to be scarce.To do that you need to desappear completely ! If there is a better way to bring the ex back i would like to know ! When they are away,they can start to miss you,feel nostalgic and sad.They wonder if they made a mistake.If that doesnt work,they are gone for good.How long does it take ? No answers...but many times i saw from threads i read,it seems its always around 3 to 5 months and sometimes more.Not many do come back,check on your own if you want to,i did.Thats why you need to move on as soon as possible.Waiting for them is a waste of time and the healing process and the nightmare goes on and on.Imagine being stuck for a year or two with no results ! While they are having fun,your in hell.So the best is to move on,heal and lose all hopes of them coming back.Time to go out and meet new people and someone else to love.When the ex founds out you are not waiting,it will be another strong point for them to think about.Just by healing you already lose and waste six months of your life that you will never recover again.
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