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Everything posted by bitebenot

  1. You're doing great,hang on and you will forget him ! I also go to the gym,it doe's wonders on me ! As time passes by,i think less and less of her.. Time heals all wounds,no doubt...even if you don't want to lol
  2. Maybe,but when ? Many questions are whitout answers ! But she has to make that relationship work also ! She could dump him for you..all is possible. They are in the honeymoon stage right now but wont last forever. But no one knows for sure,not even you x ! If you wait for something to happen,you might still be in pain a year from now ! Ignore her and move on. If she wants to come back to you she will.In between try to think about a new relationship that can start slowly and you will get over her much faster. Your new g/f might be twice as better then her ! And dont take a rebound ! No one should have that much power over us.Love shouldnt be painful, but sometimes people can be very selfish and dont care about the pain they inflict to others..sad but its todays reality ! Dont forget, we dont own anyone,break-ups are always hard to accept.
  3. Give yourself a chance and you will see a big change in you ! A new you will emerge with the rising sun !
  4. Our will is equal.i dont have more than you or any others here.I suffered like you wont believe.I still do but its well under control.Still dream of her,thats awfull ! But dont forget one stong point,she told me not to communicate with her ! But some would ignore that..i wont ! I can be very stubborn at times. I told myself,no problem ! She wont hear from me ! Then i found this thread.. Without knowing it,my ex was helping me,lol ! I know her very well after 5 years.I know for sure shes having a hard time and it wont get any better ! Once her honeymoon with her baboon his over,it will kick her in the right place ! If she gets in contact with me,it will be to late...she will be replaced ! Im working on it right know and i have a very good prospect at hand. From a friend where she works,i was told shes always miserable even with her baboon,lol.Thats all i know from her,i dont care what shes doing or feeling.To me shes another women with no class or self esteem.
  5. to help others,i do have a big heart ! And again you have nothing to offer ! So back off !
  6. First of all,NC is for healing !!!! Getting ur ex back is second and with no garantees ! Nothing exist that can make the ex come back ! But NC helps to get control over your feelings and your life.If the ex doesnt come back,well at least you still feel better by not being in touch with them ! By the same way,the ex doesnt use you like a yoyo ! Gives you self respect and a freedom that you would not have if you were friendly with the ex ! Even with NC not to many get success,but if you have a magic potion please tell everyone here what its made of ! SO TIGER, STOP BITTING ME,YOU HAVE NOTHING BETTER TO OFFER ! REVERSED PSYCHOLOGY IS PROVEN TO BE A VERY GOOD TOOL IN THIS TYPE OF SITUATION.PROVE OTHERWISE OR STAY QUIET ! NOBODY LIKES A SMART A$$
  7. that was personnal to me,i know she wont come back ! And beside,should i be happy for dumping me ? Or maybe be happy for her ? lol
  8. She says she thinks to much when shes alone ? why do you think ? Shes always thinking about the break-up,its killing her slowly ! Dont forget,women are more emotional than men ! Play it well and you could obtain very good results ! She still love you.if you ignore her she will go nuts ! (in ur case) Be patient and it could pay off big time. I wished my ex would call me only once,so in a way ur lucky ! Remove her from FB and all others,let call you by phone only. Dont answer,listen to the messages only.If she ask you why u ignore her,tell her u need time ALONE to heal and u r not b/f - g/f anymore and hang up. You always hang up first,your to busy to talk and keep it very short ! THat will make her think,trust me !
  9. She couldnt take it anymore,she missed u ! But once she was with you, she lost that sense of panic !!! You took her way to fast ! When your in no contact,after a while nostalgia kicks in ! She has to earn it the hard way if you want her to stay ! Make yourself hard to get,i mean real hard ! If she loves you,even wild horses wont stop her from running after you ! Right now she knows she can have you anytime ! Reverse that and stick to NC ! Ignore her and her communications ! Keep going the way you do and you will lose her forever ! SHE NEEDS TO MISS YOU A LOT ! And never tell her how much u missed her or love her ! If she communicates,its got to be only for reconciliation only and the ex is dumped !! Nothing else will do ! If she came back,it can happen again. *** By rebounding shes trying very hard to forget you,and thats why she goes out often ! Seems she having a hard time ! You have an adantage,use it wisely !
  10. 3 months for me,i know she will not call me.I think of her everyday but its not as intense as it use to be.I know its really over,i dont hope anymore. Now im looking for a new g/f and so far its going well.It will not be my ex,but shes not the center of the universe anymore ! Is hard to move on,but its the only solution.The ex must be happy,why should i be miserable ? Hate her everyday,it works for me lol !!
  11. Seems to me i read more about the subject than you did ! Also my life experience,im not a young duck !!! I read all these threads on the net. If you talk about the ex who left with a rebound,its proven that only 10% of them are successful ! I was a rebound once,i know why it doesnt work ! While your with the new one,you always think of the one you left..you compare the new one to the ex.You keep thinking if you made a mistake or not.You are not involved in the new relationship because of the ghost who is always in between ! Never took the time to heal yourself first,thats the consequences ! If the ex doesnt come back after 6 months,he/she had enough time to heal.But then,some do communicate even after a year ! If you find any better,let me know !!!!!!
  12. If you dont have anything from your ex within 6 months then you can say goodbye ! 3 months is still a bit short.Move on anyway,dont wait.
  13. shes playing with you.remove her from fb and see how she will react ! Become a ghost for your own good.
  14. Already after 3 months of strugle,i feel better and i am ashame of what i did at the beginning..begging and crying ! My pride was in the garbage ! Felt unable to fonction on my own ! Now i know how stupid it was ! Still have nightmares with her in it but thats the human nature.Stupid me,i dumped her in April and took her back after 3 weeks ! I was not cupid but stupid ! Now i guess this time shes using this break-up as a vengeance ! Being replaced 3 days before was a real kick in the a$$.The only dream i have its for her to ask for reconciliation so that way i will be able to make her dance with the devil ! Will never again give my heart fully to any women,just cant because its scary ! Would not wish this to my worse ennemy. Im taking it slowly,have a new g/f now and it feels very strange ! So we know that no one can be replaced,we are all unique.Relationships arent for better or for worse anymore ! Having the wisdom to accept what we cant change is a big step ahead.HANG ON EVERYONE,WE HAVE WHAT IT TAKES TO SURVIVE THIS CRAP ! GIVE YOURSELF 3 MONTHS AND YOU WILL SEE A NEW YOU.ITS A PROMISE !
  15. ignore him,let him beg ! When he does,you will be in total control ! Then you decide what you want and how !
  16. NC is about SELF RESPECT ! When someone dumps you, why in hell someone would want to stick around and finding out what the ex is doing or saying ? Who in his right mind wants to become a masochist ? Hey, if they dumped you its because they DONT want you anymore ! Who is willing to become the fish at the end of a fishing line ? I see a lot here that are suck*ers to their ex because they are so needy.I was dumped 3 months ago,i will surely not communicate with her ever ! Its up to the DUMPER to initiate contact ! If you call first it might be a very bad timing and you will be back to square one and the ex will know that he/she can have you anytime ! Is that good ? It will push them even further away ! They have to know they have lost you and getting you back wont be easy ! No way will my ex have that much control over me,im worth a lot more.Being in NC gives me control over my life even if my other half is no longer with me !They dont care anymore,why should we ? If she decides to come back,she will have to imitate a snake by crawling back. That way at least you can be shure they regret their decision and they still have love for you.Have some pride and ignore them TOTALLY,erase them from all those messengers on the net ! Let them reach you only by phone. Dont take the calls,just listen to the messages.If its not about reconciliation,just ignore it.Make them earn your trust again,AMEN !
  17. Thats why i removed that mention,i agree.Still doesnt change the fact that only 5% do come back ! Find any better and let me know ! Thats why NC is the best way to go ! Anything else wont have any effect ! The ones who had success (that i saw) did use the NC !!! Others failed ! Sometimes LC does work but it depends of the relationship before the split. Also taking the calls to fast is very bad.They have to chase you or ur done !
  18. You can find them in many reports,also on ENA,Reverse Psychology and Rebound Relationships.I read many articles and they all mention the same %. Note that rebounds dont work 95% of the time.Those references are found everywhere on the net.Rebounds dont work most of the time but it doesnt mean they come back after such a failure ! Imho,no more then 5% do go back to their ex's ! If someone plays it well, he/she might have a better chance ! Sorry but its reality ! Some do want to come back but the dumpee (some) rejects them after a while ! Some will tell you the chances of them coming back are good but its bull sh1t ! I read many forums including ENA,out of 100,i saw only 3 who had success ! Yes they might call you and say they miss you but it doesnt go any further !!!!!!!!!!!!!! Stinks huh ?
  19. Did you know, 75% of dumpers are women ! And less then 10% of the dumpers (men included) goes back to their ex ! And when(if) they decide to come back, its between 3 to 6 months... and as far as 2 years ! 3 to 6 months if u dont communicate at all ! The more you chase them, the longer it takes ! If the ex can have you anytime (they know it), ur in deep trouble ! So everything is against the dumpee ! Waiting for them is like hoping to win the lottery ! IGNORE THEM, AT ALL COST ! So, time to heal and be prepared to find another lover ! If the ex knows about the new one in ur life, she/he will think a lot harder ! Some of them even loses their mind when that happens ! Weird but true ! HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL
  20. Stop getting information on her,ur just torturing yourself ! Me, im not even trying to get anything from her new relationship ! The more you know the more you will suffer ! Just read her emails if u want(but dont answer). Remove her from FB and others.Tell u what,on MYSPACE you can have a TRACKER...maybe she knows everytime you take a look !!!!!!!!! The longer you will do this the longer you will be agonizing ! And dumpers do go crazy when they split ! Me,i just became a ghost..the less they know about you the more they wonder what ur doing ! This is now about you and not her.Shes happy for now,do the same dammit ! She doesnt f*cking care,why should you ? Hate her,it works for me lol !
  21. I was with a rebound once.That women was still in love with her ex..took me 6 weeks to figure it out.I had a wonderful time but i had to let her go..told her to go back to her ex lover who kept rejecting her..poor sap lol ! Now i was dumped after a relationship of 5 years...never been dumped before..its my first and my last...i saw it coming but tried to keep it alive...did all the sh1t people do..crying,begging..wrote a begging letter of 6 pages..second letter to say that break up was the best for the time being.Never got a call on these two.Guess who was the poor sap ? Ya me ! Next time i will give only half of my soul to a women,not more ! Never knew that a break up could hurt so much,went to hell and back..lost 25 pounds...but this is a blessing really.I did what they proposed on ENA,went to a gym..its working wonders on me ! I let my cell phone close(its the only way she can reach me,she has no pc) and i open it twice a week for messages.I even look at other women now ! Life is coming back ! I sleep better and dont dream of her anymore.Same will happen to everyone here.So dont lose hope, those black clouds will pass by and the sun will shine again.its a promise !
  22. You can achieve this,your plan is good,just wait and give it to her double dose and see how she likes it ! No future with that type of a women.When she starts calling U WILL BE IN CONTROL ! HAVE FUN ! IM DEAMING OF THAT DAY MYSELF ! GOOD LUCK
  23. Anyone should know that NC for 30 days might not be enough...its to short.If ur ex didnt communicate what will u do ? Maybe the ex would call after 3 to 6 months ! So NC should be till the ex wishes reconciliation if thats what you want.Beside that NC should be for life.Being friends is a form of torture and should be rejected or you will never heal.Soon as the ex dumps you,you have to desappear right away ! Its not about them,its about you ! Geting yourself esteem back and whatever control you have left ! Then you move on and let the ex know that your doing ok with or whitout them.Its not a game,its self respect ! If you dont do it,you will be at his/her mercy and be on the back burner ! Imagine being played for a year or two ? THE TIME LOST WILL NEVER BE RECOVERED !!! No one should forget that the ex might never come back ! Only a very few comes back and even then it still doesnt work out most of the time ! If you break NC and redo it,the ex will know you cant stay away and will take advantage of it ! Be brave and hang on,its worth it ! Finding a new g/f or b/f is by far the best avenue instead of wasting time on the bad-x ! ITS IMPERATIVE TO DO THIS OR YOU WILL BE DEAD FROM THE START !
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