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Everything posted by bitebenot

  1. Day 99 for me...was thinking the same ! But shes dating another from day 1. My hopes are gone.. .i aint waiting,shes a goner ! Thats why its better to move on as soon as possible.Dumpers can communicate later on,like even a year ! lol.Would i have a surprise for her ! I would just tell her to f*** off.lol That women was jealous,clingy and in love like crazy for me ! That didnt stop her from dumping me and turning into a monster from hell.
  2. If she loves you she will be back..if not, that means it wasnt meant to be. Thats why NC is good,also very good for you. Right now shes thinking about you,im sure of that otherwise she wouldnt email you at all ! Give her the time to miss you..let nostalgia kick in and see. No garantees, but i dont see a better solution,really ! If you're in touch with her,she wont miss you and she would drop you soon after.So,hang on tight and MOVE ON ! Dont hope for anything or pain will be long term,i know that and many others here ! NC lets her know you can survive whitout her,it will make her think ! Its your last chance,dont blow it !
  3. You're only 22 years old..better to learn this lesson now instead of later ! Since we all end up in those type of situations,it will help you to prevent this from happening again, or to be able to manage it a lot better ! You will become a master of NC at age 22 ! I wished i had that chance ! I have learned all this a bit to late, but still gave me a lot to obtain control over my life ! And you will be able to help others with your skills ! It will serve you for a lifetime ! Its great isnt it ? A negative that turns positive ! And thats good for anyone here at ENA.
  4. Its all up to you,it will be hard for a while but you will pull trough it. Try very hard to not see anything related to him.Remove anything that reminds you of him.Dont go to places that you use to go with him. And the famous PC,msn..my space,fb and all,dump him from it,you must ! Put all your hopes away, or you will suffer longer and deeper.The trick its to do all you can to forget him and move on no matter what ! Fantasize about what your new b/f will be like,write it down ! Pamper yourself ! Flowers,bubble bath and candles...YOU ARE MORE IMPORTANT than him ! Foremost,dont be alone longer then you have to ! I know you dont feel like it,but once you are with friends, it changes ! Good luck to you.
  5. It is for all of us.I did dream of her,just the fact of seeing her in a dream was enough to make me sad in the morning.Our strong emotional state of mind will do this but lesser with time.Even if you refuse to heal,it will win over you ! Time only will settle those feelings.Its awful because you cant rush it ! For me its a litle over 3 months and its a lot better than 1 month. If you want to heal faster,find another girl even if its only friendship. Your pain will disappear a lot faster. Best way to get over someone its to get under someone,lol
  6. Very good but take it slowly if it works ! Dont be a rebounder.
  7. Excellent ! Now you got it right ! Dont give up,she will keep on trying. Keep her on a clothesline to dry up well ! Play it right and she might crawl back ! She has to ask for reconciliation or keep ignoring her totaly,i know you can do it !
  8. Different from one to another but you should be better at 2 to 3 months.The faster you move on the faster you will heal. Time heals all wounds...but you cant rush it ! But pain is good in life. It does teach us a good lesson and we become a better person. But me when i will start a new relationship,i will be on my guard full time. I wont give myself fully anymore.She will get half of my heart..the other half will be my security blanket ! Of course she wont know that but i will.
  9. Very good,keep it going.You will be out of this crap shortly.You're a winner !!!!
  10. LDR arent so good.Better staying away from those type of relationships. Hope you situation will improve.Go NC and move on the best you can. Better not have any hopes in case she doesnt respond.Move on like its really over,its the best way for YOU.
  11. I read a post once,a girl dumps her boyfriend,said she didnt love him anymore and she wil never never never take him back ! The 2 of them were in college.He tried everything to get her back,including friendship ! Nothing worked.So he told her he didnt want anymore contact with her.She didnt care. She had found a new b/f 3 weeks after the break up (a rebound).Months went by and no news from her.Nine months later,hes going back to college and has a new g/f.He went to the gym ,lost 30 pounds and he looked good. So he goes back to college,has his new g/f with him. Now the ex sees him and his new g/f !!! Now she regrets everything. Now shes was the one begging him to take her back ! He rejected her and with good reasons.The ex g/f got sick,couldnt fonction at work. She tried everything but waisted her time.He never took her back ! Having a new g/f---b/f really shake the dumpers cage ! Now they know he/she is gone for good and it hurts them bad ! So no frienship with the ex and never accept to be on the back burner ! AMEN
  12. Come on now !!! She keeps you as her safety net ! Thats her goal ! And also shes amusing herself by playing with your feelings ! You need to get rid of everything she has to reach you on your PC. The only access she should have is your phone ! All you would need to do its take the messages,never answer ! Again,you have to desappear ! NOTHING else will do.She has to feel that you are no longer in her life ! Be smarter then her..dont give her one inch ! Make sure she cant find you anywhere,not even a picture. Even remove your voice from your answering machine. Be pissed at her and react the way you should to this ugly situation. Maintain control at all cost ! That way she will feel that shes the one who was dumped ! Then sit down and enjoy the ride.
  13. I would delete her from everything... what she thinks is not important. You have to desappear totaly ! Make it impossible for her to find you ! You already lost her ! What would it change ? Time to kick a$$ and seriously ! Ignore her in everyway possible ! Let her know she no longer exist for you..no pity at all ! What is important its YOU YOU YOU !!! She dont give a sh!t how you feel ! Ignore the slob just like i do with my ex. We always have to ignore the dumpers,its the logical thing to do.To them we became toxic waste...its time to react to it by moving on !
  14. Im sure she was preparing herself ahead of time to leave you. Its not rare..she was ready when she left. Most would do that,that way its not so painful when they take off with another dude.Most relationships can be fixed,when they react that way it means that they were not interested anymore ! But it doesnt mean they wont regret their decision ! Sometimes, after a few months, they realize that they still love their ex and try to reach and reconcile.Most of the time the ex had enough time to heal and move on, and the rebounder is pushed away ! When someone falls out of love,its the best time to dump them before they do !
  15. *** The rebounder and the " x " The rebounder goes fishing,puts a crumb at the end of the line. The x takes the bait,he/she is reeled in.The rebounder looks at it and says " whow, i got me a big fish " .The x is unhooked and thrown back to where he/she came from ! But in NC,the rebounder cant do it anymore ! The rebounder goes back fishing with a better bait..doesnt work ! The rebounder realises that crumbs dont work anymore. The x got smarter with time and starting to have control over his/her life. The rebounder is getting upset..the x is no longer available.Sadness sets in..loneliness.. and nostagia kicks in.The rebounder tries another bait...still doesnt work ! At this point they give up or they want reconciliation.
  16. Just ignore her ! Shes playing games with you.Shes expecting you to comment but you wont !
  17. If you are better than him,then its very good for you.I guess your ex is a bit lost and very emotional.Also the new guy is a big talker and she bought it !During this time take care of yourself,its imperative ! For now its YOU YOU YOU ! Try to think she will never come back,it will be easyer on you. Also look at other women,im sure you will find some of them very attractive ! You are allowed to have fun in anyway you want,she gave you the ok to do so ! Imagine if she saw you with another girl ? That would surely make her think deeply and painfully.Just another tought.
  18. I wouldnt say its over but you have to make sure you dont repeat that again. You got a good chance if you follow the NC rule.I think she still loves you from what i read in ur post.So now you know what to do. If u ever want her to come back just give her the space she needs. She will have enough time to see the new b/f isnt you and she will start to see his bad sides and issues.Also gives her time to miss you and analyse the situation.Just cant compete with the novelty at this moment.Soon she will see hes not mr perfect.Let her stew over her relationship.Dont worry,she wont forget you !
  19. Did you talk to her ? If yes how did it go ?
  20. We are all humans,you will learn over and over again.You havent lost what you started..this time it will be a litle easyer.Thats why its so important to think about ourselves.We tend to give to much to others and receive very litle in return.The day that you will discover how important you are, you will start to forgive her and move on because you wont care about loving her anymore.Do you know how many women are looking for a good man ? Life is like a school,we are here to learn and not repeating our pass mistakes.
  21. Didnt mean to shake your cage but sometimes its all we need to move on ! No harm was intented....i apologize !
  22. For how long are you willing to stay in pain ? A year or maybe two ? You like it when he manipulates you ? Are you that easy to become a sucker ? Where is your pride ? Wake up and smell the roses ! Yes you are an idiot to accept this f**** sh1t ! You seem to enjoy it ! ](*,)
  23. Yes,but if the break was mutual,you're healing process will be short compared to most here who were dumped ! But you still have to stay away from here or like you said,you end up in square one ! Seems that your ex needs you to get over the break-up..like i said,women are more emotional.She should use her new b/f for support instead of BUGGING you ! Ignore her,dont answer any of her communications. *** Do you want her back ? Did she had that new b/f before the mutual split ? hummmmm...i wonder..
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