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Everything posted by bitebenot

  1. Obsession is your problem...you're to needy towards that jack a$$ ! You seem to be happy to be his slave and you're glued to him ! I think even if he beats you up physically, you would stick by his side ! Be proud and forget the skunk.You love it when a man treats you like dirt ! Wake up and move on.Being that way,he will always reject you. Be independent and proud.
  2. To everyone,pain is part of the process after a break-up..only time will take care of it.It cant be rushed,you must be patient.Like i said before,even if you dont want to heal,it will happen anyway ! Why ? Its not totaly in your control ! Time heals all pain.For some it would be 2 months,some others will need a year.Usually its about 1 to 2 months for each year of the relationship you had.Of course its an average,but its about right.So the faster you move on the better it will be.Dont forget, a dog wont chase a parked car ! (your ex) The ex is moving on and so should you no matter how hard it is.Staying still and moping wont do any good.Everyday you have to repeat to yourself that you dont need the ex to be happy..there are some exciting people to meet ! Once you fall for another lover,you will laugh at ex who is no match for this new bf/gf you found ! To stop analyzing the situation is a must,wont change anything.Staying busy for the first 3 months is a very good option. Be with friends or family as much as possible.
  3. I surely know what it is to miss the ex..i went to places we use to go sometimes,still hurts.Feelings bigger than the universe.I had to do that to see if im healing ok, but i still need more time to overcome it.I felt the void she left in me.Loneliness is hard to control.The world doesnt look the same anymore.Seems everything is worthless and doesnt deserve my time. I know i screw up big time and i cant do anything to rectify it.After 5 years she treated me like a waste you discard for the dump.No discussion to save what we had,no will to do so.How important was i to her ? I will need six months to get over the monster that holds me tightly.When you take someone for granted,you wake up one morning and find out your world is about to fall apart and you cant do anything to reverse time.The ex wont listen,she has turned into a brick wall.To me it was like doomsday,nothing less.Yes i can find another good women,but it will never be her ! That emptiness is there to stick for a long time.Maybe its harder on me because i never been dumped before.The worse is even if she wanted to come back my pride would reject her because she was way to cruel.That women wasnt the same anymore,she turned evil towards me.Her income now is over $50 thousand a year because of me.Theres no way she could have had that job whitout me pushing for her. I was generous...but to her it doesnt matter anymore,im just another man among many.Life stinks big time, but i will overcome the situation since i have no other alternatives.Im sure she hardly think of me anymore,she will try hard to make her new relationship work,shes can be very stubborn.I know she will regret it someday and i hope she will be hurt as much has i was.
  4. By the time she wakes up, you will be in a new relationship..its always like that.The dumper comes back months later to realise the dumpee is no longer available.The dumper tries hard but finally gets rejected. Sounds good for a finish huh ! lol
  5. You did the right thing by leaving,best decision really.NC is hard,but if you would call her,what would you say ? Would you be hurt ? Could she hurt you more ? When you call, you dont learn anything that would help you. The best its for her to call and says she wants reconciliation,nothing less. That way you know its honest.Shes the one who has to chase you. NC 3 months and 2 weeks for me and i will never break it. To me shes gone,thats it ! Im moving on.
  6. Just tell him that you have nothing to say and thats it ! Ignore him,nothing else will do ! It will make him think.Dont give him the chance to torture you any longer ! So tell him your done with him,turn around and walk away ! If he wants you that badly,let him work for it and for a month,nothing less. His actions has to prove that he means it ! Do it for your own sake and mental health !
  7. Right on ! Exactly what you need to do ! The problem is that love makes us blind.After a while we do become objective and we can analyse with a clear mind.Thats when we see that it wasnt all that great and pure. We only think about the qualities of our ex,but they were NOT perfect ! In a few months you will laugh at all this and you wont believe how much you were willing to give her.It will become just another bad segment of your life.It will make you a better person really ! Come back in 6 months to read what you posted here,you wont even believe it was from you ! You'll see !
  8. SNOW....i have this new g/f i met a few weeks back...when im whit her i dont even think of my ex !!!!! The ex is not hurting you,your hurting yourself because you are obsessed with the jacka$$ ! Use your pride and push him away for good ! He doesnt care about you,do the same towards him ! Hate him if thats what it takes to move on.Erase him from your life. Remove everything around you that reminds you of him. Dump him from your pc...erase his phone number.For you he doesnt exist anymore ! You can do this ! Be the one you were before you met him ! If you dont do this,depression will set in ! You dont want to go there,believe me ! Go to a gym if you can,did wonders on me ! You're intelligent,you know what it takes,so do it ! When its hard,come here for support or call friends or family.
  9. SNOW..........Its only day two ! I've been there..lost 25 pounds ! Have milkshakes,it helps..rich foods in small quantities.Its been only 2 days ! I strongly suggest that you meet a psychologist ! Will help you to get out of your rut much quicker. You can do it on your own if your ready to LET HIM GO ! Forget him,theres no future with a man like that ! You know that already ! You can find someone much better ! Go out with friends or family members..meet new man ! Tell yourself hes not for you,hes not worth the effort ! Why stick around someone who doesnt provide for your emotional needs ? You think no other man would be better than him ? Please...... Move on and forget the jerk ! Fall in love again with the man of your dreams !
  10. At two months you will know what to do ! It will be clear as water !
  11. Well,maybe she told you shes not happy with him and tells him she so happy to be with him ! Its all about her and not you ! Thats why shes not in contact with you my friend ! It takes time for the ex to miss you..its not done in one week or two ! I would say 3 months...if its stay the same,forget her ! For your own sake forget her now..tell yourself she will NEVER come back to you ! You can do it your way and be prepared to feel horrible on a longer term.You must think about yourself ! Dont give that power to others ! When you reach the two months period,you will feel better. At three months you wont even care anymore ! Move on,meet other chickies and have fun.Take that as a life experience. Heart breaks happen to all of us.Now its all in between your ears ! Start by forgetting her,say to yourself shes a goner and all will be ok ! Dont forget,shes not there anymore to hurt you,you're only hurting yourself.
  12. He treated you badly...and you can go whitout him.Thats your answer ! Ignore him and move on.Tell him for the last time its over and never contact you again ! You can have better and you know that.Why waste more time whit a man who doesnt care for you ? Give yourself a month and find a new b/f.You know that he wont change,most people wont. Move on and be happy !
  13. Good luck to you,your decision to move on is wise.
  14. This is only my opinion...no matter what his reasons are to try to reach you,you must ignore him totaly ! Does he have a cat also ? lol Every time you answer back,hes pushed further and further away ! Is that what you want ? Read the NC rules,if you dont follow it, you are wasting your time ! Might as well forget about having a second chance. Remove him from all your messengers.Let him reach you by phone only and dont answer it.Listen to the messages only.If its not about reconciliation,dont bother to contact him.And of course, he has to crawl back,nothing less will work.For your own good,do it if you want to have him back.Even with NC,there is no garantees ! Good luck
  15. I just read a new post on ENA,Reverse Psychology and Rebound relationships. Post 790...must read it.He took his gf back...by jumping one step it was lost,she left him again ! Reason: took her back to quickly,she didnt crawl long enough ! NC must be applied to a " T " Must read that post,its great information for all to learn here !
  16. When a g/f or b/f acts that way,i wonder if its wise to want them back. When they lie or say things to derail you in any way,i dont see any love here. From my own knowledge, when you get them back,you will have to work very hard to keep them.You would become a miracle worker.If someone leaves a relationship,the love they had is gone ! They may panic when you go NC and come back..but for how long ? In some cases it does work, but many break-up for good after getting back together.When your in love,you try everything to make it work ! You might take a break to think about it,but no dating others in between.When they say they dont love you anymore..its time to split for good and forget them.While trying for so long and being carried in the mud is a total waste of time.Its normal trying to save what is so important in life, but sometimes you have no choice but to let go.No one can force another person to love us back. Can anyone bypass the strugle in their mind when they do come back and you end up having sex with them again knowing he/she did it with another one ? And the fact they really enjoyed it ? Thats why i dont want my ex back,i dont want a USED g/f by my side. To me shes now dirty and i wouldnt be able to touch her with a ten foot pole. The relationship would never be the same anymore and she knows that too.
  17. The worse thing anyone one can do in our situation is to " hang on " ! All hopes on getting the ex back is very bad for healing.I havent seen to many exs coming back after a break-up ! I dont want to burst anyones bubble, but thats reality ! Same for me,no exceptions ! Doesnt mean it wont happen,but the chances of that happening are very slim ! Thats why we need to move on at all cost.The ex is happy,so take the time to heal and get there. Pride should be taking over.Time to find another lover as soon as possible. I saw people who were still attached to the ex hoping they would change their mind.Imagine being in that situation for a year or two ! What a living hell ! For me,another month and i will be free again ! All the time wasted on the ex cant be recuperated ! Many men or women are waiting for the right one for a serious relationship.Go and find them.
  18. *Ways to lose your ex forever: Answer their phone calls or messengers..fb,myspace,msn and so on Texting back chase them all over Speak to their friends Write to them Beg or cry Ultimatums Make them jealous(for some) Talk to their family Stalk them or showing up at their job ** ways to get them back NC LC (different for each of us) unlikely for most
  19. I agree with ANON12,shes giving a lot of pressure because you wont respond ! I doubt she wont call again.She trying hard i must say ! lol...she feels like shes been dumped ! She knows what you want,why should you talk to her ? If you want her back,let her decide,not you.Its up to her to run after you ! She is upset,and thats good.She needs to hear from you,wants to know what your doing,thats good.See ? She didnt forget you at all. If you answer her,you will be a dead duck ! Thats your last chance,dont forget that part.At least you still have a chance,most of us dont ! Dont forget this,if she wants you back,nothing will stop her ! Thats what you need to see.And as for you hope,your not suppose to have any !
  20. Finding a new g/f would be the best medication i could pescribe to you,go for it ! Enjoy every moment,your ex will get jealous and pissed ! She wants you back after she finds out,make her crawl for a while. The power is on your side now.Smart guy u r.
  21. Its for her own need...whatever reasons she has, IGNORE her ! Shes not trying too do you any favors...selfish women ! NC full blast,no pity of anykind ! Let her rot a litle.She has no more advantages over you even as a dumper.Shes the one feeling rejected,aint that great or what ? Its awsome,here is your revenge.
  22. After a breakup,mood swings are there to stick around..still have a few after 3months but are acceptable.That roller coaster ride is hard to control,when it happens,i shift my thinking immediately to something else. I see a big yellow ballon with a black X in the middle,thats means im not allowed too think about that person or subject ! May appear strange to you,but it works for me mostly when im going to bed ! I usually think of a former love and the good times whe had or a good vacation..then im asleep ! Yes,feelings of love and attachments for the ex are hard to deal with, but can be controled. Thats why you have to give up all hopes to get them back and move on and start to love ourselves before we start loving another being. Then the healing is almost complete.
  23. We are here to help each other..we share the same pain and some hopes. But what i have learned since that fatidic day is that IM MORE IMPORTANT THAN HER ! I forgot about myself in the name of love ! Shame on me for crying like a sissy and begging to her ! How sick ! My pride took a beating ! Took me 3 f*** months to get where i am ! I just want others to bypass that and be free of pain as soon as possible ! When i read about what people feel,i literally feel their pain and feel bad for them ! No one should suffer that much,aint fair ! Love is not about pain.Others use love to inflict negative feelings on their ex ! One thing is sure,their is more good people than bad ones ! Logically, when someone drops you,you do the same by ignoring them ! At that time when its applied,the dumper and the dumpee are on equal ground.Why chase someone who kicked your a$$ ? You go NC and let stew over their decision.Amen
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