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  1. NC day 27. Break up day 57. 2 missed calls from ex so far. one on day 14, thee other on day 26. so a mutual friend called today. that my ex called her to complain that i refuse to pick his calls. that he wanted to know what exactly was happening to me and how i am doing. Luckily she lied to him that she had no idea. so he said okay. Thank God i didnt even pick! Freindzoning......lol. never
  2. day six here. I dont feel so sad. the highs and lows keep coming. But i am fine. i will be fine. I am fine.
  3. Day 4. was feeling down yesterday, even into the night, but i guess i feel better today. Got tempted to send him several messages, but i am glad i didnt. Isnt it funny when you look at the stuff you planned to send and see how silly they sound? i typed out about five different letters. been looking at them this morning and they seem so silly. lol
  4. Wow. Anon, your post brought tears and hope to me. i can wait till i am one month and start to feel better. I really cant wait.
  5. then stop looking. please stop looking at it. for real! the more you look the more tempted you are to breaking NC.
  6. Block her from face book, asap. Seriouisly. it would tempt you the break NC. besides you would start reading your own meanings into what you see. Block her or suspend your fb account asap. Seriously. i am talking from experience. I am on day three here! feeling okay for now. A hot bloke is coming to check me out at work today. wish me luck!
  7. we are in the same boat dear. i have three ex's on my tail........i cant count how many times i have restarted NC. today is another restart again. So dear Exsweet heart, lets go thru the challenge together. i am on day 1 too! try meeting me on msn or gtalk. we could always cheer each other up when we feel down or are tempted to break NC.
  8. Ex sweetheart, i understand what you are going through. I think in our case, we are indirectly the dumpees, because we left because they didnt want us! I guess, we have no choice but to try to be strong!
  9. hi ex sweet heart, i really know the feeling. My ex did not put up any fight, and it still hurts like hell. We will get thru
  10. And so my ex sends me a msg today. Says he missed me. He loves me, and he truly wants me back. But is still not ready for marriage psychologically. he left me IMs and texts. Said the NC really made him realise wat he had.
  11. Thank you Anon. U don't know how much hope your words brought to me. Its a new dawn, a new NC for me. I am not breaking it this time. My life does not depend on him, and I can be happy without him
  12. What do i do? ignore him the next time he sends mean IM, should i ignore it like nothing happened before, or should i tell him again that i want to go NC?
  13. I just broke NC. I am sad. i dunno, i am sad. I wish i didnt. Ex said hi and i replied hi, and then it started from there. he started telling me about how his week had gone. it was like text bomb. He kept on saying he had been going to eat at the place 'we' loved to eat, and how he went to see the agent that 'we' both liked and all that. he ranted on (the text was like ten texts long. We didnt mention the relationship. it was just formal talk. he told me about work and how the past week has been very very hard for him, how he got broke, and all that. I dont know, i am in a confused state right now. i dont know what to do. i am just confused.
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