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Posts posted by Seraph

  1. definitely, smokeycat.


    Jessie, us guys can be crazy sometimes. In my opinion, the definition of a relationship is like a two way street. It's a mutual thing. Being with someone should make you feel very comfortable (at least most of the time... we all have our fights ) So I guess I would say, go ahead and be yourself, say things that you would have said before July 4th.


    On the other hand, I totally understand and sympathize. I have found myself in the same situation plenty of times. So, in retrospect, I probably wouldn't be taking my own advice. to be honest...haha. But I guess check out your priorities. If the relationship is strong enough, I dont think an argument will break it, if he cares for you enough.


    But like smokeycat said, "if he doesn't like it and breaks up...it's his loss!"


    Best of luck!

  2. I totally agree with segagirl here. What I did was I wrote a letter to a girl, and she was blown away by it (in a good way). But things got out of hand and quickly went to hell when I let all of my feelings out. I guess some things are better kept for later.

    I'd say, go ahead and ask her out at the end of a run, or something. If she declines, you don't have to spend 1 hour being uncomfortable or anything. Bring up the fact you guys have alot in common.


    Sieze the moment though. Regrets burn holes in the soul.

    Best of luck!

  3. I think it's also important to realize that he was honest with you. (might have taken him a bit) I think his heart is in the right place when he can say something like that to you, and face the consequences rather than having you find out all by yourself and being even more hurt by it.



  4. haha. I'm a guy. Agreed on all counts, all counts. Question for saren though, what makes it so unnerving? I am guilty of that 'smothering' thing... infact I just lost someone because I was so insanely involved. I realize it's horrible to be obsessed like that, but ... please explain the psychology behind it.

  5. ah, man. I hear ya. But I guess good things take time? Quit putting yourself down though. I mean, really, from a fellow 17 year old . When someone disses you, you probably have 5 things to say right back to the fella'... so... why are you so eager to diss yourself like this?


    Confidence, man. I was shy too, very shy. But... if you start to just pretend to be confident, and keep pretending, you'll be confident about yourself in no time.

    Easiest way to make friends is to do something nice, i think. *shrugs*

  6. Hey man,

    I'm 17, if that helps. I hear ya; and I hear tons of myself in your words too. I was the same way. I didn't have much faith in myself. I'd bash myself with the same stuff... how i'm not attractive enough, smart enough, smooth enough, whatever!

    And this was when a girl rejected me. It's one thing to have it right when you ask, but it's another to be led on for a while and then told right when summer hits... as if she's going for a summer fling, and I'm on hold until school starts again. More of a 'dumped' now that I think about it.

    I felt like crap for all of 5 minutes. It's probably because I expected it for weeks in advance and started feeling very sad already. but annnnnyyyways.


    Point of the story is... I realized that I'm actually not that bad. I mean, I dont know you personally, but looking at your website... I see your the ldr of a gaming clan. Leadership skills, diplomacy, mad shooting skillz.... heh. Yeah. I bet if you look at yourself in the mirror again, you'll realize your not as bad as you say you are.

    I mean, really, give yourself some more credit.

    If you're looking for something to do, maybe check out the mall... freshen the wardrobe up a bit. After her, I pretty much redefined my style, and it's given me tons of confidence. try it? might help.


    best of luck, man.

  7. I'm still in the quasi-bitter stage, but I'm getting over it. So... I think the saying holds. By experiencing the stuff I've gone through the past few months, I feel that much more prepared for the future.


    Of course, it's better to "love and not lose at all."

    but uhh.. that's not the quote, is it?

  8. That's pretty much the situation i was in with a girl. I'm young. I'm a novice. (But luckily this place helped me out alot thnx folks)


    I definitely understand your concern. I wish I could be as optimistic as these fellows are... I would say build some mutual trust, some big big mutual trust, and be happy. live life in the present tense, not the future. Being happy is what counts, as Katerina said.


    Best of luck!

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