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  1. I feel like I'm going to throw up- to be honest, two days ago I'd had enough of you. I've been attracted to other people and doing my own thing, and I knew I just didn't want to be with you. But now, after breaking up with you.. you're all I want. I'm not going to string you along by telling you that I'm still in love with you, only to decide that I didn't want to be with you after all. To be honest, I don't know what I want right now so I think it's for the best that we broke up. I can work things out, and you can find someone that makes you happy rather than just consistently screwing with your emotions. I wish you could still be there after I worked out what I really felt, but I could never ask that of anyone- let alone someone I care about as much as you. I love you, I love you so much, and I'm sorry I had to hurt you like this. Hopefully... hopefully, when I work out what's going on with me and get through these major changes happening in my life- and you start living your life normally again- then we can both be happy in our own way- maybe even be friends again. But until then... I love you. Stay safe. Be happy. Take care of yourself. Depend on your friends and family, they're all lovely- and hopefully I'll see you around. The memories of our relationship will stay with me forever, they're some of the happiest of my life. Thank you and goodbye.
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