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  1. ok really part of the reason i'm so upset is that she's like "i'm really enjoying my me time and being single and i get to drink wine coolers and hang out with every guy i like" she is already over this * * * * ...it's like what happened? are you kidding? my ego and my feelings are so hurt right now and you are chilling with dudes drinking wine coolers... sorry i just have to get this off my chest...vent a little...i know she's actually been hurting for a lot longer than i have...you know. whatever.
  2. ok here it goes. i got a call from her and i just got told. i mean i got my ego crushed with the cold hard truth. here's what went down i just had to know what happened between us and she says that she's been out of love with me for a long time, that she doesn't like having sex and she crys afterwards, she wants another guy to make her feel like butterflies in her stomach, i'm around her too much, she wants to have sex with other guys (i'm her first). holy crap. i was holding on to a little bit of hope that we'd get back together but o * * * * no. not anymore. i mean now i know that it's done. done, cut off, never again. efeafweagh;ahgakejrhgajf;awerja;hga/ thank jesus i have a counseling appointment tomorrow.
  3. i'm really quite horrible in the mornings...i wake up all emotional and sad...i think i have dreams about her and well that just drives me crazy...what can i do about this?
  4. i'm in puyallup washington. i went nc almost all day and then she called at like 11:58pm....damnit so close. and that really caught me off guard...but i was really happy sounding on the phone! not all gloomy like, it went alright. maybe tomorrow will be NC. you're right ana said she has had feelings of dumping me for 4 months prior to actually dumping me. she said she was trying not to hurt my feelings. what's up
  5. i guess i just need to realize that it's done. she broke up with me 2 weeks ago. i just thought things would turn out differently...i mean we were at the end of our apartment lease and that we would go live at another place but then she was just like ok you can't live with me. and she took the dog, too. i mean just a year ago we were talking about marriage and baby names (just to be cute) and that's still really fresh in my memory. it's really like I'm in shock or disbelief. everything reminds me of her that kind of stuff. i am trying to keep busy, i even took another girl on a date. that actually made me more sad because i will like compare her to ana and that just doesn't work out. whatever. i really want her back but i know if i can tough it out then things will be better for me in the end. I'm lonely and i really hate that feeling.
  6. My girlfriend and I broke up after 3 and a half years. this has just been really hard to swallow. I'm having a really hard time with NC because i just want to call her or someone to say that i'm lonely and that i miss her. i will think to myself "ok, if i just be patient and determined and give her space she will come back." is this actually setting myself up for disappointment? early in our relationship she came back to me when i dumped her and being together again worked out really well. i hope it will be ok now...this time she dumped me.
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