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  1. major you said: "Goal: The goal of this post primarily focuses on two things: To maintain the dumpee’s self-respect and dignity To avoid being pitied by the dumper" While I didn't beg and plead for her to come back I did ask for a second chance several times. Also, I'm not sure if she pities me. She did say, "I'm so sorry and I knows it hurts." Both things I said to her when I broke up with her first. But the thing that's confusing me is I never told her that I respect her decision and I never acted like I was ok with it. I wasn't out of control or acting crazy it was just obvious that being apart was not what I wanted. We've been in NC for two weeks now. I guess it's too late to tell her I'm ok with her decision? Or what? Please let me know. I don't want her thinking of me with pity or anything like that. Please share any suggestions. If you'd like to read my story it's here.
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