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  1. Put honey on your pimples at night, then cover it with a bandaid, I swear by this~!~ It takes away redness and puffiness, and it cleans out the bacteria~!~
  2. My husband is currently overseas, and while playing soccer, he twisted his knee, and hurt his meniscus. I'm not sure how bad it is yet, but he says that they're talking about surgery. I need to know what to do to help him, and how to support him after the surgery. PLEASE HELP ME~!~
  3. yeah, thanx, my bfs mom said that she didn't know she was pregnant with him until she went into labor, had her period and everything. its not that i think shes a liar, i just know that its not possible, thanx
  4. I was just curious, is it possible to be pregnant and have your period?
  5. Hey I need some help for an assignment in my Consumer Economics Class. My group and I chose Gay Marriage for a Social Services paper that we are doing, and any arguments that ya'll can offer, or websites with good arguments would be great~!~ Thanx a million. By the way, I am all for it, gays are humans too~!~
  6. I live in Michigan, in America, and I really don't care where I go, as long as it's someplace warm.
  7. Ok, I know what you're going through. I waited a year and a half before making love with my boyfriend. It was when I visited him at his airbase, and we watched a movie, and started fooling around. Then he put on a CD, and we made love. The only change I can think of is it made us closer. But we still act the same and everything. I can't explain how I knew I was ready, I just was. I guess if you have a doubt, you aren't, but then again, I kind of did too. So good luck to you, and please be safe~!~
  8. After finally deciding on a career I'm happy with and know that I can do, the only thing I need now is a good college. Ok, I'm only a Junior in high school, and I know I have a lot of time to think about this, but I'd like to get it over with. I want to be a Teen Mentor, I know how hard it can be to be a teenager, and that some need a good role model, so I think this would be appropriate. Mind you, I don't want to be a Therapist, just a mentor. So anyways, does anyone know a good college for Teen Mentors to study at? I'd really appriciate the help. Also, info for my other half who wants to be a Child Psycologist, would be great. Thanx in advance. *~Jazz~*
  9. thanx so much everyone, i really apprieciate it
  10. i mean like, how there is MADD and SADD for drunk driving, what is there for abuse?
  11. Ok, here's the deal, my boyfriend has an abusive step-father. I was wondering if there are any support groups for teens like Teens Against Abuse or something like that?
  12. Hey listen, my fiance' and I recently started making love, and it is absolutly incredible. But anyways, the only complaint he had, was that the condom dulled some of the sensation for him. We used extended pleasure, trojans, and are going to try his pleasure, trojans, but can anyone, expecally guys tell me the best one for guy's pleasure? I'd really appreciate it. Thanx~!~
  13. Although I can't help you, I would like to offer my condolences, my grandfather is diagnosed with Alzhiemers, and I know how hard it can be. Good luck with everything, and if you need to talk, look me up~!~
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