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  1. Just a general note: I know there's a lot of uncertainty about choosing a major but take some time to think long and hard about what you want to do (and when you think you've got it, THINK SOME MORE!!!) These four years have been the worst four of my life. Whoever said college would be the best years of one's life must have gone to clown school... I am at a pretty competitive university majoring in econ (models, formulas & math are not my strong points but I appreciate the field nonethelesss.) Never, and I mean NEVER have I felt so DUMB!!! The program and the courses have sucked the life out of me til I truly wish to have zero attachment to this school once I am finished. I even contemplated writing the department a rather nasty letter after I graduated "thanking" them for such a miserable time....... Oh, I am so angry, I can't even finish this post - I am beside myself!!!!!
  2. As Mary J Blige sings, "RUN AWAY LOVE, RUN AWAY ....." Why would you want the added stress?
  3. Eva same here (re: gravity).....SAME THERE, TOO!!!!! (re : the video) spooky I am dissastisfied in both respects, but my bf has no problem. MUST....GET......RID....OF.....HANG-UPS!!! Only person missing out is ME
  4. I'll try it. My guy doesn't complain so I've gotten away with it. But variety IS the spice of life ...
  5. I'm too lazy to be on top can't support my own body weight (how sad is that ?) no, I'm not fat either. Good ol missionary works for me
  6. Sometimes it's best not to know...I tried that with my guy, well not all the details, but about the # of girls he'd been with..... was pretty upset about it, but it's in the past and he's totally different now -devoted, kind, affectionate.... In your case, it was one time and he's not proud of it - don't let it consume you otherwise it'll cause a rift between the two of you.
  7. Question: If you were on the rebound, would you hook-up with an ex or a stranger? With a stranger, there's no chance of getting hurt or attached, but sometimes meaningless sex can make you feel worse. With an ex, well, I don't know - never had the guts to try that (although I am on good terms with all my exes) .. comments, anyone? If this has been a previous topic, I apologize - I am a newbie!!!
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