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Everything posted by isisastaria

  1. NEWSFLASH: Everyone gets depressed. Suicide is selfish. Get some help. If you really want to die...think about this: You are going to die someday anyway. It WILL happen. Why not make it an adventure and tough this one out? Dying is inevitable. The remainder of Your life...after suicide... would not be inevitable.
  2. You are not crazy. Whenever your bf starts spending lots of time with someone like this, it's ALWAYS trouble. It doesn't need to happen. Does he have any GUY friends? Read this book and if you follow it exactly he will direct his attention back on you! "Why Men Love * * * * *es"
  3. I have to add for Charley that a lot of the time a minor hasn't consented and the charges are actually for much more serious crimes that often can't be proved as easily as an obvious age difference. This happened to me when I was 15. So I would be really careful as to how sorry we feel for a perpetrator. I don't think being sneaky or whatever will help, only hurt. Be honest with your parents. I think they can give great feedback considering that they are more experienced in life. Like I said before, you're young....go have fun. Just see guys your own age if it's so much drama. Is it really worth it? You're SO young!
  4. I just have to add that a child's brain does not stop developing until they are 21 years old. Give yourself time to be young and not worry about such things
  5. I will give you my own opinion that you need to give your parents a break. If my daughter came to me at your age and told me she was with a guy that age, I would really worry. This is because you can't possibly know at your age all the things your parents know at their age. I am not saying you two can't work out. I am just saying that it's your paren'ts job to protect you. My parents were not able to protect me when I was in your situation and it was devastating to my life and how I have conducted my life. I will be honest with you!
  6. people dont realise they are up the duff until they drop sprog? May I ask what that means? I have no idea.
  7. I can see if you do it when frustrated. But is that really particularly healthy? Shouldn't the goal be to love the hell out of yourself rather than kick your a&&??
  8. Gracelove, I am SO sorry this has happened. It's really good you are going to a therapist. You should share with her that you don't trust her. They can handle comments lilke that. She isn't supposed to talk to your parents without your permission unless you're a minor or you give your permission. Tell her you can't have an effective session with her if she keeps telling them things you don't want her to tell them. Some things therapists are required by law to tell parents under certain circumstance if they are a minor. PLEASE tell your therapist!!!! It will be hard for a while. You probably have developed a degree of post traumatic stress disorder. Google it for more info. What you are feeling is normal. what you are feeling is a protective mechanism. What you are feeling is a process that will get better and better. I am so glad you are going to the gym! That can help so much!!! If you do it regularly, it can cut depression SO much!! Good luck! I hope everything turns out well. Is it Okay if I tell you to pray pray pray?
  9. Make a detailed plan you can feel good about. If you're living at home during that time, it's better with a plan because there's a concrete "move-out date"
  10. Then if he gets all upset...just be really nice and calmly declair you thought it wasn't a problem in the relationship since he has a ton of numbers of exes on his phone! No double standards here!!! Right?
  11. I have to admit I wouldn't like it. Everyone is different. I don't think the numbers are the issue. I think the fact that it bothers you is the issue. If you don't like it, he should stop if he knows. Why don't you program maybe ten to fifteen men's numbers in YOUR phone and just tell him, "Geez...I really need to delete some of these numbers". They don't necessarily have to be real. Just see how he likes it. Or have your brother or a friend call over and over while you're with him and label the caller ID as another guy's name. Then just let it ring or answer and say, "I'm busy right now. I'll call you back".
  12. Don't buy into her games. Avoid her at all costs. You see her on your way to class? Take another path. You see her at the gym? Go to another gym or don't go when she may be there. Don't give her the time of day. Don't even talk about her. Just ignore the fact she is alive. Go out with another girl...even if it's just as friends. Don't obsess over the @e$j&!!!! She isn't worth it.
  13. BTW-Either way, get away from him. Chasing him will turn him away and turn him off. If you run and stick to it, he will run after you and may even start to look at and understand what he's really done.
  14. Men can seem like terrible people, can't they? Thing is...I've learned that most aren't at all. He is in a point in his life where he is very lost. I think he must be in a place where he is going through a process starting with his making excuses and trying to tell himself it was justified. He then doesn't have to fully look at what he did wrong and admit that to God and you. He doesn't want to feel like he's a terrible person. Men like to be the HERO. They like to protect and provide ... They don't like to be the dark villan with the evil laugh (that is unless they like to be evil or something. This description doesn't sound like him). When you make a vow to God, you are creating a covenant. It is an agreement before God that you will hold up your end of the agreement so that God and your spouse will hold up their end of the agreement. Kind of like a contract, I suppose. If one party breaks the covenant, and denies your dignity as a human being every day, the covenant is broken. He took the first step of breaking the covenant in the worst way, didn't he? I am not a religious expert, but I think it is a good idea to talk to a preist or whatnot in your church who can help guide you spiritually. If you have been praying diligently, I believe you will get an answer and you will KNOW for sure when it comes.
  15. Yeah, I agree. I think Americans could be more so. Just not morally. That's when social structures and families deteriorate.
  16. I am posting it now because she and I became closer recently and she just opened up these pent-up feelings. She wants justice on the guy even now. At her mother's funeral recently (yes, very sad)...I saw a picture of her brother and she later tearfully told me all about it. I wonder if it would help her let go of this whole thing a little emotionally. I don't know if the statute of limitations will prevent her from being able to catch this molester now or not. And they always do it because they can't stop usually or it just gets more weird and obsessive. So I was thinking that maybe she could get him for molesting a kid more recently...you know? Maybe go back and see what the guy is doing and what kids have been around them and take action. Not sure what should happen.
  17. I concur!! Couldn't have said it better myself!! BTW, Cute kitty
  18. It takes someone with feelings of being unlovable to put up with unlovable behavior and "SETTLE" Human beings are all capable of love, as you are .
  19. Just a few things to check in with: Do you ever hear yourself saying the following things? "Lying is unacceptable in a relationship with ME" "I am worth respect, love and care ALL of the time" "If things aren't making me happy enough with this man, I can find other wonderful men to have a great relationship with. After all, there are a lot of great kind men out there" "If I talk to him about this, I know he will understand and be honest in his answer. We can work this out and come to an understanding" "Our connection is so honest and intimate, I know we will get through it and our relationship will be strengthened by this" If not, there's a huge problem
  20. Figure out what she likes...does she go to the games? Does she do extra cirricular activities? Then just happen to be there and slowly get into her circle. Bring some of your friends and slowly wedge yourselef in there. Her friends and those guys aren't around her every second, are they? Hope I've helped!
  21. timjd: A lot of women really do enjoy it! It is dirty tho. NEVER swap from anus back to vagina, though! That causes a plethora of infections!
  22. I have heard of a technique where you have her orally or manually stimulate you. Have a sign for when you feel like you're going to orgasm. (You can tap her or whatever) then she stops and you concentrate on relaxing and try to prevent ejaculation. Then keep doing it. Try to "hold it" a few times each time you do this. You might involuntarily orgasm, but the more you do it, and practice...the better you get at "holding it". Hope this helps
  23. What if you looked them both in the eye, and said, "We do not want to hear anything further on the issue. We are confident in our decisions. If you would like to help, we will let you know when the time comes. We do not want to hear another word about it." Leave it at that. If they do it again, have a plan to get up and walk out or have an excuse that you need to be somewhere and leave. Every time.
  24. Arwen: Yes!! That is another factor to consider, however. The health risks of waiting. My sister in law is having complications in her pregnancy now mainly because of age.
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