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Everything posted by isisastaria

  1. If you've ever seen "Shattered Innocence" as one of NBC's primetime movies, that was a movie made about my cousin.
  2. I DO have a bit of an issue with the whole sex industry thing. I also have a lot of sympathy for the women who do it. They might say they are okay. But I hesitate to really believe that. Usually they have been seriously abused or mistreated and often times didn't start it by choice. They just don't think they are worthy of doing anything else. My cousin became a well-known porn star and shot herself eventually. I guess I may have some sensitivities to this whole topic.
  3. I have one word You should be ready for him to penetrate. It's not all his call or you might not get anything out of it. and a second word: "Clitoral stimulation!" Some women can't orgasm if they don't have this every time. Do it yourself if you need to.
  4. I AM A SINGLE MOM! I don't know how old you are, but that's not the best reason to pass someone up! As a matter of fact, there are a lot of reasons why we're better to hook up with! My fiancee gets along GREAT with my kids...and we are extrememly compatible.
  5. I don't think you are letting this stuff sink in . Think about this carefully, "If he loves you ...and really loves you...would he even ask?" Does he know how you feel? Yes, someone always gets hurt in a threesome. I've never done it, but I've heard a lot about it. Ask yourself this,"DO iREALLY WANT TO DO THIS?" If not, then don't. Plain and simple. He can go somewhere else then where someone else doesn't value themselves..
  6. I AGREE WITH SCOUT!!! THE TRUE FRIENDS AND BEST SHOULDERS SAY, "YEAH, THIS SUCKS! BUT LOOK AT WHAT YOU HAVE LEARNED FROM IT!!!!" The best way for her to feel empowered right now is to stop and look at what she can learn. Honesty is so important when people are having a rough time. THIS JUST HAPPENED TO ME YESTERDAY. I thanked everyone for kicking me in the * * * * * and telling me to WAKE UP!!! It gives you a second wind. So, here's all the victim statements, "You poor thing, You are a victim. He hurt you. You are so trampled right now. Poor you" Here are the healing, responsible, empowering statements, "YOU ARE BETTER THAN THIS! You won't do this again because you WILL learn from it and do it different next time! You deserve BETTER!! You are a valuable, lovable human being!!! DON'T ever make the same MISTAKES because you are worth a man who makes you feel like the queen of the world!!!" Did I make myself clear? My intentions are very good...trust me.
  7. I have an ex who decided to leave... he lives in another state, but that's a different story. Sounds like he's trying hard to make this right. But I have to tell you: It seems like there are holes in your bf's story. I also have to tell you that I have nothing personal toward my ex at this point. His wife and I are good friends. Now you know my comment isn't about my personal affairs....you need to really pay attention to what your bf is saying. If you live in America, there is no truth to the statement, ""since his daughter is an illegitimate child, he has no rights". I would wonder if your bf is lying to you. Under the federal laws, any biological child is entitiled to visitation with BOTH biological parents. UNLESS there is a history of ABUSE. This is when it gets messy. This is the only reason it gets messy. I would be careful to be with a guy who had a child and chose this for his life. I hope my forward comments help...and you can RESEARCH these laws and his stories... because that is what they sound like to me. Stories.
  8. This is embarrassing, but sometimes when someone does me wrong, I have this fantasy that my dad can see what they did and he knows it hurt me. So he follows them and gets back at them!!! LOL! Is that weird or what??
  9. I have to say that we all have some strange expectations for people in grief. People who have never really lost someone close to them don't really know what the HECK they are talking about!!!! So please try to let that slide off your back and only listen to those who really really know (like on this site) My dad died when I was 15. Through my research, I've found that : a) Grief lasts your entire life...not weeks, not days, not years b) Grief and loss is like a toothache. At first it hurts like hell, but then you learn to live with it and become a little more accustomed to it. c) Everyone on the planet grieves differently and in their own unique way. d) It is very possible your loved one can see and hear you everyday. They are not that far away. I can feel my father in the same room with me on different occasions in my life. I KNOW he is there watching and smiling.
  10. I don't know if this is a joke or not, but NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO if it isn't a joke. If she's a few months from meeting up with God, do her a favor and let her take her purity with her! If you don't believe in religion, stop and think about the emotional and physical damage!!! GEEZZZ.....
  11. I wouldn't judge someone else for having an abortion, but it isn't for me. That would be something to think long and hard about. Yes, men have a say in what happens to their child. They also have a CHOICE when it comes to making a child and being responsible. I was left with my firstborn, and the father could never possibly IMAGINE what that did to the very core of my SOUL. I know other single parents can relate to what I am saying. This man, unfortunately, sounds like the type who would tell you to keep the baby, and then bail. I know because that is what happened to me. He sounds just like my ex. Just be prepared to do it yourself. Do NOT count on this man. He is they type that when this gets to be a "DRAG", he will leave the child. He is already leaving you and the child by being with other women
  12. I JUST heard this on a radio show here with a shrink. The caller's issue, however...was she didn't want to be a bad mom like her own mom. The DR. told her that just the fact she is asking these questions and that she is concerned shows that she WON'T be like her mom. You are being insightful and are preparing. That shows you'll be alright. That's what I think. I think you are recognizing and acknowledging this at the right time. I think premarital counseling could help. I would ask my mom to please not involve me in her affair. That was VERY selfish of her. Tell her to go get a therapist or talk to a friend. This was a very unfair position for your mother to put you in and I think you need to set up some boundaries with her. I doubt she meant to, but this is your time for attention and celebration. This is not the time for her to parade around her drama to draw the attention to her. That is EXACTLY what she is doing, by the way. (She just might not realize it. If you confront her, expect her to be a HUGE victim and try to get attention with drama that way).
  13. I have to say I disagree with Eva I am an American, so we may have different cultural upbringings on the issue. I think right now it is important for you to look into ways that you can learn to develope intimate loving relationships that are healthy and will help you grow as a person. YOU obviously had a problem with what you did and that is why I say this. Anything that is not okay with YOU should be avoided at all costs. I think the STD issue is beside the point. You are more concerned with the emotional aspect, and I get that....
  14. I've worked for a dentist. I can't believe he/she didn't say anything about it! did you ask the dentist to take look? Did they see anything on x-rays that raised questions? I would make another visit to the dentist and have some x-rays taken or look at the other x-rays and see if there's an abnormality in the root or surrounding tissues
  15. I think that's pretty normal. It's an empty concern. Is it about some insecurities you have in yourself? Is there a way you would work on those and focus on that rather than past partners? I can tell you that for myself...I do not even remember my past partners. I do not remember details or even really care to. My main focus is my fiancee. He is all I see now.
  16. I have a family member with Asperger's syndrome. I think that has more to do with it than you might think. The good news is you are a very intelligent individual (I know this because of your diagnosis). I know sometimes you don't feel that way, but it is true. Asperger's is usually a "I am very smart ...actually so smart that I usually don't understand the stupid social cues and rules real well...it seems pointless". So...STOP DRINKING...number one. You already might have some difficulty with judgements or being impulsive. If you throw alcohol into the mix, it is DISASTEROUS for you because of your diagnosis. I know in Australia this is hard. Is there a non-alcoholic drink you like that you could substitute? My honest opinion? YOU ARE TOO GOOD FOR THIS WORLD. Sometimes if it's hard to socially adapt, people look for other ways to connect to other people. Just because you MIGHT have a hard time socially, doesn't mean you don't need human connection. Maybe avoiding the alcohol and brothels altogether is your best bet. Sound like it makes sense?
  17. Yeah, there is a reason you are picking guys with big red flags attached. I've had one try to KILL me! I know where you're coming from! You have the answers to that deep down. You just need to stop, pull them out, and look at them without denial. I think that could be your best bet. You deserve a guy who will respect you, love you, protect you. NOT hurt you...Good luck
  18. I wouldn't go with someone just for sexual needs. It isn't healthy. It's good to practice self control. Then you'll have more self control for other areas of your life. Sex isn't a problem solver. It's a problem maker in this instance. Think!!! Pregnancy, STDs, condoms break...etc...
  19. You know, church is a great place to meet people because everyone is supposed to make everyone else feel welcome!! So make her feel welcome!! Any friend could do that...then it could lead to something else, right? Hehe... Anything that you could invite her to going on with the church? I don't know what kind of church you go to , but you could always invite her out with a bunch of people...ya know?
  20. This all seems so ... I don't know...wrong! Are you SURE you want to do this? In complete respect for you, are you really ready? Virginity is GOOD! REALLY!
  21. Ummm...you sound just like me. I don't know how old you are, but I am 29 and divorced with kids. I am finally in a relationship I am working hard on. I was just engaged in dec. 06. It's really really hard for our type, but you probably need to just take a break from men altogether and just work on yourself. School, career, son, whatever you need. And get counseling. If cost is an issue, see if you can find free care. Something happened along the way to make you feel unlovable. I will bet you don't put up with any crapp either. Try making a list of thing YOU WANT in a guy. Not things you don't want. send me a message anytime...
  22. sounds like what they call social anxiety disorder. I'm sure it's easily fixable. It can be brought on by trauma or just stress.... try googling that. It might give you some good insight.
  23. Oh, sweetheart...you are trying to find love with a guy that you aren't getting from your family. The human brain doesn't stop developing until you are 21 years old! I would recommend trying new things instead of new guys. Do you like dance? Have you wanted to try art? Photography? TALK TO A COUNSELOR AT SCHOOL!! My dad died when I was 15. It crushed me. My mother was emotionally void after that. I had to make it on my own and it's hard when you have to do that!!! The thing is, I ended up doing things I wished I hadn't. I also got pregnant as a teen. PLEASE DON'T EVEN THINK OF DOING THAT!!! You need some time to sort things out. Do you realize that most of the time the "outcasts" in high school are the people with the most strength and capability on the way out? Think about that one, honey
  24. I would assume that if a MALE suggests less sex he is: a) Highly religious b) Very very sick c) Interested in someone else. Hate to put it like that, but honesty is the best policy
  25. Do this...throw a pen on the floor. TRY to pick it up. there's no such thing as try. there's only DO or DO NOT...
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