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Posts posted by JazzMan5531

  1. Ok people, I need some advice. Here is the situation, I'm 21 and I have NEVER had a girlfriend or even been on a date in my life. This is due to two reasons. First, despite living on a college campus I seem to be incapable of meeting women, at least in a good social setting. I meet girls all the time in classes but am completely unable to take it any further, advice on this issue would be MOST helpful. Second ALL of the women I meet turn out to be the exact oposite of my views in life. As Americans become more and more polerized I find myself an outcast from society...... *sigh* It is getting to the point where I don't even like to leave my dorm anymore....... anyway, any thoughts on the prospect of actually finding someone who doesn't become enraged or frightened every time I voice my opinion? I guese what I'm asking is, how do I find people like me?


    (note: I don't specify what my views are because you'd just start hating me.)


    (note 2: liquid anesthetic (margaritas) will dull the pain..... )

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