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  1. Thank you... I am just in a happy place right now.
  2. I really fell out of my chair over that comment..... coffee out the nose.. it was priceless. As far as your cousin still wanting you, well, that is a creepy line I would make firm that I wouldn't cross again. If you girl wants details, then give them to her. You sound like someone who gets eaten up by guilt and you would b=probably spill it later anyway. Why not make a joke of it and if she freaks out on you, then better to know now than later when you wimp out and tell her.....
  3. Diagnosis: Overkill the doctor blandly said. Lucky girl, he told me You really should be dead. A heart as full as your is is never safe at all, one more happy moment and POW that would be all. You see, look on the xray, he pointed to the board. Where you should have a valve, you've stored a lovin' hoard. Right there are precious memories, here some hopeful thoughts. I can't tell what this is here it looks like chocolates. 4 dozen roses crammed in here, where the tricuspid ought reside. And what about this over there? A singing valentine. I sat with growing trepidation, as we looked with fascination, upon my great internal mess... Final Diagnosis: Bliss.
  4. I prefer anything by Enigma for the deed and a little Enya for the afterglow... lol
  5. I hate to be the Debbie-downer here, and I am certainly not just trying to cast aspersions on your girls character, BUT it is a very oft occurrence that young women will "confess" to having had an abortion or a miscarriage of a faux-pregnancy when they are either trying for attention of a lost love or to end a relationship. I have never done it, but can name no less than 6 friends who did it when I was younger. I know that there is an epidemic of teenage girls "confessing" to being pregnant with their guys just to cement the relationship. ( I read it in Vogue or something). Is there anyway to be sure that she did? Is she still bleeding, etc? If she just had it, it would be too soon for her to be lifting and moving her things... If I am wrong, I will be happy to admit it. Just walk carefully when dealing with such an easily faked situation...
  6. I think it is one thing to see if they respond to the initial email from a stranger, and in what way they respond. I think it is a total other, rather heinous thing to string them along in some sort of emotionally viscious game where you see how far they will take it. THis damages the player and the playee and really has no other value than driving your point home with a vengance. I see no problem in testing the waters if it helps the overall health of the relationship and solves your trust issues. But on the first clue that he is taking the bait, you need to stop, bring it up, and see if you buy his story. .
  7. Well, off to see my trusty, rusty physician... Thanks, you guys.
  8. I had the zylocain for my teeth,so I sure hope it was for internal use... No strange numbness anywhere yet, so I think I am ok.. lol I am going tomorrow after I drop the kids off. Lord, I don't know how I am going to sleep tonight.
  9. How long have you two been married that you have only had sex 10 times? It could be that the two of you are just new to the whole world of intercourse and you need to get used to each others rhythms...
  10. I knew someone once that suffered from Trich. She had gone to the extreme of being almost bald and without eyelashes, eyebrows, or pubes. She was damaging herself to the point of mutilation. I don't know if it will work for you, but she tried acupuncture and with regular (like 3 times a week) treatments, in about 6 weeks she was able to start controlling herself. She wore little press needles (like a tiny needle on a band aid) over the pressure areas that helped her urges, and started a better sleep cycle. I saw her a few months ago with a full head of hair, albeit she keeps it really short so it is less of a temptation.
  11. I don't really think that tonscillitis is considered an emergency, and besides, taking my children to sit in the emergency room for hours on end would probably be more torture than the original illness. I rubbed some zylocain gel on my tonsils earlier, and they are tolerable now. I can speak, which is a bonus. lol Ugh.
  12. Get her to check out this link: link removed It is a support group for the family and friends of those who have died of AeA. The horror stories may make her act with more caution if she is indeed doing this in a harmful way. Or try link removed Both will give her an insight into just what she is playing with, and possibly the means to do it more safely if she insists.
  13. You made soup out of them??!? Remind me to never meet you in a dark alley.
  14. I am seriously feeling it right at the mo. My tonsils are touching and I just know I am emitting this fug of biohazardous halytosis. Every time I can work up the courage to try and swallow really well to get rid of the feeling of choking on my own tonsils I get another mouthfull of those little rocks. The peroxide last night? Ended up being NOT a good idea. lol I gargled and instantly a KA-BOOM of fizz erupted and went up and out my nose and mouth. I was choking and sneezing and I inhaled some of it. It burned in my tear ducts and nostrils all night long. I looked like Old Yeller right before they shot him.
  15. Point well taken. As I already have an appointment tomorrow to see one of my doctors, I will mention this as well. The kids had strep or so their doc said... do you think its possible they had Tonscillitis and were misdiagnosed. No culture was done, just an examination. But they are better now.... Just wondering.
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