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Everything posted by run_little_rabbit

  1. "steroided up" lol yeah those guys creep me out but even those that are very muscular without the steroids... they don't look bad to me, but I don't get turned on by it.
  2. First of all, I love your avatar! Secondly, I prefer c. A little belly & love handles can be cute, too. Too much muscle is unattractive. And if he can't move without the assistance of a forklift? No thanks...
  3. Molly -- yay for walking in the woods! If you're not concerned about money... Go for a drive somewhere. My parents like to try to get lost, just find some place they've never gone before. Nintendo DS! You can get them in white, black, and pink. They're great because you can play the games together, but on your individual systems. Friendly competition! Mariokart is the best. We usually bring ours whenever we know we'll be waiting for something (restaurants sometimes). If one of us forgets we always make the joke "I guess we'll just have to talk to each other..." lol. Even though we talk while playing anyway. Also, you guys could teach each other something. For example, I have a new digital camera with more settings than I know what to do with. But my boyfriend is a photo-pro, so I love it when he teaches me stuff like that.
  4. You cannot make a sex CD without "Let's Get It On" I prefer Jack Black's version lol.
  5. I know what you mean... I feel like I should have some dance choreographed or something!! lol If you're going for unexpected, I would probably wait til he's watching tv or something, get dressed (without telling him, of course). Just walk up to him, climb on his lap and start making out!
  6. I'm a non-eater when depressed, which blows because I'm already underweight. Last time I wanted to put on a few pounds, I drank a slimfast with 2 of my meals every day. They're full of good protein and such so it's healthy weight instead of fat. It only did 1-2 pounds a week for me, but after a couple months I was pleased.
  7. It'll be different for everyone, but in my "off week" it usually took 3 or 4 days til things got rolling... Don't panic! Like southerngirl said, it may take a couple of months before its predictable.
  8. treefrogkate, just reading your story made me all giggly! lol too cute
  9. These are all great ideas so far, guys. Thanks! I live at home, and he lives on a campus. So when I drive up there, we do cook a lot together, and do a ton of stuff around campus. Although, campus stuff is always free for him but I usually have to buy a ticket, like $5-$20. Goblin, I don't know why we never think of pictures!! He's a photojournalist and I need to be taught how to use all the fancy stuff on my new camera. There's so many cool areas around here... hehe now I'm excited!
  10. I know someone just posted something similar, but I'm looking for ideas for things to do that don't cost any money! We watch DVDs a lot, play video games, and hang out in Barnes & Noble (but even then we usually end up buying drinks). Driving around isn't fun at $70 a gallon. We like going for walks but it's winter, and 30 degrees is tolerable, but 8 degrees is not. Yes, it was 8 degrees last week. Basically, we need something else to do in between sex. We're poor college students! So what do you guys do thats free? Thanks in advance!
  11. I love myself, but I don't always like myself! haha I have respect for my body and the things that keep me sane and happy. Showing affection... yeah there's some of that in there too.
  12. Ever seen Meerkat Manor? They have tribes that constantly battle, and try to steal/eat each others babies without much reason. Animals have forms of communication that are inaudible to us. Who knows what they're expressing to each other. And please consider using spell-check.
  13. She's either insecure and wants to know that she'd be worth chasing after, or she's considering breaking up and is confused at the moment. My boyfriend and I agreed early in our relationship that it's not acceptable to joke about breaking up, cheating, etc. If you guys end up together, you may want to make a similar agreement.
  14. Has she said/done anything that makes you think you'd get stuck in the friend zone? If not, you guys are still getting to know each other so I wouldn't worry about that yet, and just enjoy what you guys have for now.
  15. I don't think quitting would make him any better of a person, and he'd still treat you the same.
  16. I'd say wait til she's 18.
  17. Go for a run. That'll get your endorphins going.
  18. millaj's right, but really the only way you're going to find out specifically what he likes is by asking him. Have fun. ;-)
  19. After my last breakup I didn't have any 'personal time' for about 3 months. Didn't miss it either. It wasn't until I started hanging out with my current boyfriend that things got rolling again. It was a nice break because when it came back around... well it was like meeting up with an old friend!
  20. Wasn't sure which forum would be best for this, but here it is. Face to face, everything is fine. But our face to face time is minimal, of course. We're only 2 hours apart but also have crammed schedules this quarter. He is usually on the computer during phone conversations. I don't talk when I hear him typing -- it'd be a waste of breath. Nearly everything I say has to be repeated. A lot of times he doesn't even respond to what I say, and if he does it's at most 3 words. If he's walking back from class or cooking something, we can carry on great conversations. He just can't be anywhere near any electronic device. We also talk online a few times a day. He usually takes a long time to respond and again, often uses single words at a time. Maybe a short sentence if I'm lucky! Also, he'll tell me he's going to bed, then stay on for a while. Sometimes 20 minutes, sometimes over an hour. I just can't help but get the feeling that he doesn't want to talk to me or care about what I have to say. I told him how I feel and he says I'm way off, he just has trouble paying attention. Maybe I just got too used to being able to see him every day over break and am having trouble with the transition. Suggestions are more than welcome!
  21. I think I may have to steal that photo idea too! We're only 2 hours apart, but V-day falls on Wednesday and we both have full-time class schedules so we won't be able to spend the day together. Keep the ideas coming please!
  22. I used to work with a guy that gave me a lot of attention. Then he started following me around work all the time. Then he came to my school looking for my car in the parking lot 3 days in a row. Don't be creepy!!
  23. We had been hanging out a lot for about 2 months before we started dating, and about 4 months into that I told him I loved him and he says "ohhh you beat me to it... I thought I'd say it first!" Before I said it, it had been practically bursting out of my mouth for the longest time but I was so nervous, til I thought "enough of this..." and blurted it out.
  24. lol... you guys remind me of that commercial "Hi, I'm Dave." "Hi, I'm Beth." "So, do you wanna get married?" "Sure!" [commence groping] Anywho, from the beginning of my LDR I felt it was worth any amount of effort. It's normal to question it, but as long as you two are happy with the relationship, just keep up whatever you're doing that's working out so well.
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