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Posts posted by Penn00Si

  1. My girlfriend and I decided that we would take some time apart. However, I am using this time to detox myself from her completely, because I dont think the relationship is going to survive. We started an online blog and we've been both blogging about our days and so forth. However, after communicating with several people, I dont think that was such a good idea. I want to go without talking to her, but know its going to be hard. My plan is to totally cut all communication lines until I know for sure what I want to do.


    Should I inform her of my plans of NC or I should I just do it???

  2. If you two arent discussing the possiblity of getting back together, it might be a good idea not to vacation with him. I believe that he very well still love you. Its hard not to love someone that you've invested time and energy in. However, I believe, just because you love someone, doesnt mean that you want to be with them. If you're trying to move on, then cancel the trip. It will only open up the past and sometimes that can make the present worse. Wish you the best.

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